Knative v0.18.0 update

Mete Atamel
Google Cloud - Community
1 min readOct 12, 2020

I got around to updating my Knative Tutorial from Knative v0.16.0 to the latest Knative Serving v0.18.0release and Knative Eventing v0.18.1release.

In this short blog post, I want to outline a couple of minor issues I encountered during Knative v0.18.0 upgrade. Note that I skipped v0.17 altogether, some of these changes might have happened in that release.

Istio Installation

The biggest change I encountered is how Istio is installed for Knative. In previous releases, I simply pointed to the yaml files in the latest Istio version in third_party folder of Knative Serving.

In the latest release, the third_party folder does not include Istio versions anymore. Through this commit, I learned that net-istio install scripts is the way to install Istio.

I updated my install-istio instructions in my Knative Tutorial to take this into account.

Knative Eventing v0.18.1

When I first installed Knative Eventing v0.18.0, I encountered a weird error where I couldn't inject Broker into the namespace and create triggers. Turns out, there was a bug in Knative that caused eventing webhook to get into an infinite crash loop.

The team released Knative Eventing v0.18.1 to fix the issue and I updated my setup config to use separate versions for Knative Serving and Eventing as a result. Therefore, it's important that you use v0.18.1 onwards for Knative Eventing.

That’s it. The rest of my setup and tutorial steps worked fine.

Feel free to reach out to me on Twitter @meteatamel or read my previous posts on medium/@meteatamel.

Originally published at



Mete Atamel
Google Cloud - Community

I'm a Developer Advocate at Google Cloud, helping developers with serverless and orchestration technologies