Kubernetes Ingress Vs Gateway API

Harsh Manvar
Google Cloud - Community
5 min readFeb 22, 2023


Understanding the Differences between Kubernetes Ingress and Gateway API for Effective Traffic Management

Ingress Vs Gateway API


One of the most widely used solutions for managing containers and orchestrating microservices is Kubernetes. Yet, Kubernetes has two choices for controlling inbound traffic to these microservices: Ingress and Gateway API. This post will contrast and compare Ingress with Gateway API, looking at which one is better suited to various circumstances.

The Kubernetes gateway API graduated around six months prior to the time this blog was written.

While the majority of the organization may be using the stable Ingress API.

  • Why do we require a second API to manage incoming traffic?
  • What drawbacks of the Ingress API are addressed by the new Gateway API ?

The differences and applications between the Ingres API & Gateway API will be covered in this article.

Exposing service with Ingress

Ingress routing

A Kubernetes Ingress specifies how to direct outside traffic to services inside a cluster. As a load…

