Liquibase Spanner Extension

Mark Scannell
Google Cloud - Community
1 min readJan 15, 2021


We’re very happy to announce the availability of Liquibase Spanner extension beta version 1.0. This brings all of Liquibase’s CI/CD benefits to Spanner.

You can find the source and detailed information in GitHub here:

Supported Features

The following change types are supported by the extension: createTable, dropTable, addColumn, modifyDataType, addNotNullConstraint, dropColumn, createIndex, dropIndex, addForeignKeyConstraint, dropForeignKeyConstraint, dropAllForeignKeyConstraints, addLookupTable, insert, update, loadData, and loadUpdateData.

ChangeTypes are all tested as unit tests, with the Spanner emulator, and with a real Spanner.


An example changelog.yaml is provided that demonstrates a changelog applied to Spanner. This is to help apply Liquibase Best Practices using Spanner.

It includes the following:


There are a few limitations that should be considered.


Knut Løite, Andrew James (Credera UK) for the original Liquibase code, and Stefan Serban.

