LLM in your favorite Transactional Database: Spanner

Abirami Sukumaran
Google Cloud - Community
8 min readApr 22, 2024

Build a Patent Search App with Spanner, Vector Search & Gemini 1.0 Pro!

Framed embeddings representing matches that are grouped by colors (Imaginary)


Imagine a world where your relational database could break free from its earthly constraints, navigating to the heights of non-relational performance and scale. That’s what Spanner brings, high performance, availability at virtually unlimited scale and zero-touch maintenance. But it doesn’t stop there. Spanner isn’t just about future-proofing your transactions with incredible speed and virtually limitless growth; it’s about supercharging your data with intelligence, by integrating the powerful Vector Search, Generative AI and LangChain integrations that makes it easy to make insightful and intelligent decisions at transactional level, right where your data lives. This in-place approach allows for triggered updates, generating summaries, keywords, and embeddings alongside your original data, all within its secure and scalable embrace. This eliminates the need for time-consuming data transfers and streamlines the entire your applications’ intelligence needs.

Use case: Patent Search Application

The world of patent research is vast, complex, and often overwhelming. Sifting through countless dense abstracts to find the golden nuggets of innovation aligned to what you are looking for can be a daunting task. Traditional patent search often relies on keyword matching, which can be hit-or-miss. Abstracts are frequently lengthy and technical, making it difficult to quickly grasp the core idea of a patent. This can lead to researchers missing relevant patents or spending excessive time wading through irrelevant results. Let’s see how we can make search faster, more intuitive, and incredibly precise by leveraging Spanner, and in-place Gemini 1.0 Pro, Embeddings and Vector Search.

In this article, you will build a patent search application that lets users search an idea or topic in a patent database (made publicly available in BigQuery) for published patents that closely match their topic or context of search using Similarity Vector Search in Spanner.

We’ve built a system that tackles these challenges head-on:

  1. Spanner as the Foundation: We use Google Cloud Spanner, a globally distributed, strongly consistent database, to store our patent data. This ensures data integrity and high availability, crucial for a large-scale application.
  2. Gemini 1.0 Pro for Summarization and Keyword Extraction: We tap into the power of Gemini 1.0 Pro, Google’s advanced large language model, directly within Spanner SQL queries. This allows us to transform complex patent abstracts into concise summaries and extract relevant keywords on the fly.
  3. Embeddings for Semantic Search: We convert both the LLM-generated summaries and user search queries into numerical representations called embeddings. This enables us to perform semantic search — finding patents based on meaning and context rather than just keyword overlap.
  4. Real-time Matching with Cosine Similarity: When a user enters a search query, we convert it to embeddings and then calculate the cosine similarity between these embeddings and the stored patent embeddings. This quickly identifies the most relevant patents, even if the user’s phrasing doesn’t perfectly match the patent text.

Let’s dive in!

High Level Flow Diagram

This diagram represents the steps involved in the implementation.

High Level Flow Diagram

Hands-on Time

This implementation is done with Spanner SQL DDLs, DMLs and simple select queries. You can use these in your application to build beautiful user experiences for the use case.

In 5 easy steps, you can build a patent search application using Spanner and Vertex AI integration!


  1. In the Google Cloud Console, on the project selector page, select or create a Google Cloud project.
  2. Make sure that billing is enabled for your Cloud project. Learn how to check if billing is enabled on a project.
  3. You will use Cloud Shell, a command-line environment running in Google Cloud that comes preloaded with bq. From the Cloud Console, click Activate Cloud Shell on the top right corner.
  4. Enable necessary APIs for this implementation if you haven’t already: Cloud Spanner API. To do this, navigate to the Cloud Shell Terminal and enter the following command:
gcloud services enable spanner.googleapis.com

Create Spanner Instance, Database and Table

Create an instance named “spanner-vertex” and a database named “patents”. You can create a table using the DDL statement below, while you are creating the database:

CREATE TABLE patents_data (
id string(25), type string(25), number string(20), country string(2), date string(20), abstract string(300000), title string(100000),kind string(5), num_claims numeric, filename string(100), withdrawn numeric,

Alternatively you can create the table from the Spanner Studio after creating the database. You can navigate to Spanner Studio by clicking on the database name once it is created.

Prepare & Load Patent Data

For building the Patent Search App, we will use the Patent Published dataset in BigQuery. For ease of implementation, I have already prepared the data and made it available in this repo.

Run the INSERT scripts in Spanner Studio Editor. This should populate the patents_data table we created in the previous step. This is the patent data we will use for matching with the user search text.

Create Remote Model for Gemini 1.0 Pro

We will convert the patent abstracts into a consolidated summary consisting of a title and keywords. For this we will use the Gemini 1.0 Pro model from Vertex AI remotely from Spanner. Run the following DDL from Spanned Studio Editor:

CREATE MODEL gemini_pro_model INPUT(
prompt STRING(MAX),
content STRING(MAX),
endpoint = '//aiplatform.googleapis.com/projects/<<YOUR_PROJECT_ID>>/locations/us-central1/publishers/google/models/gemini-pro',
default_batch_size = 1

Create Remote Model for Text Embeddings

We will convert the Gemini 1.0 Pro model’s response (that is the consolidated summary consisting of a title and keywords) into embeddings for performing the match. For this we will use the Text Embedding Gecko 003 model from Vertex AI remotely from Spanner. Run the following DDL from Spanned Studio Editor:

CREATE MODEL text_embeddings INPUT(content STRING(MAX))
statistics STRUCT<truncated BOOL, token_count FLOAT64>,
values ARRAY<FLOAT64>>
endpoint = '//aiplatform.googleapis.com/projects/<<YOUR_PROJECT_ID>>/locations/us-central1/publishers/google/models/textembedding-gecko@003');

Create Generative Insights from Patent Abstracts

We will use the remote Gemini 1.0 Pro model in Spanner to create insights and keywords from the abstract data and store the results in a separate table for generative insights. To create the table to store the generative AI response, run the following DDL in Spanner Studio Editor:

CREATE TABLE patents_data_gemini (id string(100), gemini_response STRING(MAX)) PRIMARY KEY (id);

Design Tip: Remember you can use an application to populate the generative insights into this table in batch write or mutations method.

But for this sample dataset, you can run the below query in 3 to 4 repetitions to manually batch-insert the generative insights response to the table from Spanner Studio Editor:

INSERT INTO patents_data_gemini (id, gemini_response) 
SELECT id, content as gemini_response
FROM ML.PREDICT(MODEL gemini_pro_model,
(select id, concat ('Identify the areas of work or keywords in this abstract', abstract) as prompt from patents_data b where id not in (select id from patents_data_gemini) limit 50

Notice the prompt used in the above query to generate the insights: “Identify the areas of work or keywords in this abstract”.

Check the results of the generated insights using this query:

select title, abstract, gemini_response from patents_data a inner join patents_data_gemini b
on a.id = b.id;

The areas of work and keywords are identified for the patents:

Query Result

Note: In the above step you can choose to update the insights results in the same table as the source data, but for keeping the transaction data normalized, I wanted to create a separate table for the Gemini 1.0 Pro model results.

Generate Embeddings for the Generated Insights

In this step, we will generate embeddings for the generated insights. Let’s run the following DDL and DML in the Spanner Studio Editor:

CREATE TABLE patents_data_embeddings (id string(100), patents_embeddings ARRAY<FLOAT64>) PRIMARY KEY (id);

INSERT INTO patents_data_embeddings (id, patents_embeddings)
SELECT id, embeddings.values as patents_embeddings
FROM ML.PREDICT(MODEL text_embeddings,
(SELECT id, gemini_response as content FROM patents_data_gemini));

Check the results using the following query:

select title, abstract, b.patents_embeddings from patents_data a inner join patents_data_embeddings b 
on a.id = b.id;
Query Results

Similarity Vector Search

Now that the embeddings are created for the generative insights, let’s create embeddings for the search text and prepare it for Vector Search. This is the search text that will be entered into the search application (by the user).

Please note we haven’t built the web app here, you can build a simple search app to visualize this use case with the data layer we are setting up here by following the web app example in this repo.

For this implementation, we will be using the K-Nearest Neighbors Similarity Search capability. Remember you can also directly integrate with Vertex AI Vector Search from Spanner. Read about it here.

To create the embeddings for the search text / topic and run the Vector Search in Spanner, run the following query in the Spanner Studio Editor:

SELECT a.id, a.title, a.abstract, 'A new Natural Language Processing related Machine Learning Model' search_text, COSINE_DISTANCE(c.patents_embeddings,
(SELECT embeddings.values
MODEL text_embeddings,
(SELECT 'A new Natural Language Processing related Machine Learning Model' as content)))) as distance
FROM patents_data a inner join patents_data_gemini b on a.id = b.id
inner join patents_data_embeddings c on a.id = c.id
ORDER BY distance

If you notice, in the above query, I have searched for the text ‘A new Natural Language Processing related Machine Learning Model’ in the patents data to find the 10 closest matches using the COSINE_DISTANCE method. Read the documentation for choosing your method based. Here are the results:

Query Results

As you can observe in your results, the matches are pretty close to the search text. That’s it! It is that simple to perform Similarity Vector Search using Embeddings model on Spanner data.


Spanner is a launchpad for innovation. By merging the robustness of relational databases with the agility and intelligence of non-relational technologies, Spanner empowers you to go beyond the limitations of traditional data management. With in-place Generative AI capabilities, Similarity Vector Search capability at scale, Spanner isn’t just future-proof; it’s future-defining. There is a codelab on a similar topic with a different use case, do try it hands-on.

We will discuss more such engaging hands-on sessions in our upcoming season of Code Vipassana (Season 6) where we will be building these out in instructor-led virtual sessions. Register to get notified and be on the lookout for data to generative AI with latest services and engaging use cases.



Abirami Sukumaran
Google Cloud - Community

Developer Advocate Google. With 18 years in data and software dev leadership, I’m passionate about addressing real world opportunities with technology.