Moving to Google Cloud with Ghost

Rohit Sinha
Google Cloud - Community
1 min readJul 20, 2017

Today, I moved my personal website to Google Cloud using their Free Tier. So far I have been using Heroku to host my personal website with Octopress.

I decided to move to Google Cloud because Heroku server had a lot of downtime issues. Moreover, I recently found out that Google Cloud Platform Free Tier comes with 1 (f1-micro instance per month) and 30 GB HDD free always.

For f1-micro instances, you receive free usage equivalent to the number of total hours within the current month, enough to run one instance without interruption for the entire month. For example, March has 744 Hours (31 days x 24 hours). Therefore, you would receive 744 instance hours of free usage for the month.

Google Cloud VM Instances by default have an ephemeral external IP address but it was pretty straightforward to get a static one and then update my custom domain DNS to point to it. A pretty sweet deal which serves the purpose of running a small personal website for free forever*.

You can check it out here.



Rohit Sinha
Google Cloud - Community

Software Engineer, Fitness Enthusiast, and an Adventurer