Navigate through Google Cloud resources with Duet AI Chat

Romin Irani
Google Cloud - Community
3 min readJan 23, 2024

A while back, I wrote the following blog post, which is still valid today in terms of the links.

In the above blog post, I refered to multiple areas, some of which included:

  • Getting Started with Google Cloud
  • Google Cloud Architecture Center
  • Google Cloud Developer Center
  • Jump Start Solutions
  • Code Samples
  • Google Cloud Certification

and more.

Enter Duet AI Chat

Duet AI for Google Cloud, as you know is the AI-powered collaborator that helps cloud users build, deploy and operate applications faster and more efficiently.

One of the ways that you can access Duet AI is via the Chat interface that is available both within the Google Cloud console and also in Developer IDEs, where Duet AI is available, e.g. Visual Studio Code, JetBrains IDEs, etc.

Set up Duet AI for a project

Duet AI for Google Cloud is free for use till Feb 1st, 2024

We will focus on Duet AI Chat in Google Cloud console. One of the pre-requisites to using Duet AI for Chat will be to ensure that you have setup Duet AI for the Google Cloud project. The steps are listed here.

Once down, visit the Cloud console and click on the Duet AI icon in the toolbar, which is next to the Cloud Shell icon, as shown below:

This will bring up the chat interface as shown below:

Start entering your prompts and specifically here, we are going to be focused on some of the learning resources that I had highlighted earlier.

Keep a few things in mind:

  1. While I am not putting prompt responses, you should get the relevant information though at times, there could be situations where the output does not seem correct.
  2. One of the things that I find most useful is to look into Relevant Links in the prompt response and that leads me the source of the documentation/official guides, which you can then navigate to for more information.

So here are some sections of those learning resources and the prompts that I used to get the information right within the console itself. This will avoid you to go to various other search tools, pages, etc.

Getting Started

  • I’d like to get started with Google Cloud? Where can I go?
  • Suggest me one URL only to get started with Google Cloud?
  • Is there a free trial in Google Cloud?


  • I’d like some Architecture guidance on Google Cloud. Please suggest a few resources?

Documentation pages

  • Please provide the official documentation page for BigQuery and Cloud Run
  • Please provide quickstarts for Cloud Run

Substitute the product names in the above prompts with products that are of your interest.

Jump Start Solutions

  • What are Jump Start Solutions? Please list down a few of the Jump Start Solutions.
  • Where can I install these Jump Start solutions from in the console?

Code Samples

  • I’d like to get all code samples available for vertex ai?

Release Notes

  • Where can I get the latest release notes?
  • Can I get release notes for a product in Google Cloud?
  • I am interested in Google Cloud Run. Provide the release notes for this product in Google Cloud.
  • Give me Cloud Functions release notes.


  • Give me the official Google Cloud blog page.

Google Cloud Certification

  • Give me the official Google Cloud certification page?
  • I am interested in official Google Cloud Certification. What certifications exist?
  • Provide details on Professional Cloud Data Engineer certification. Please provide links to where I can see the exam guide and courses available.

Google Cloud Developer Center

  • I am a Developer. Is there a home for Developers in Google Cloud?

Let me know if you have tried other prompts and got some interesting ways to keep learning about Google Cloud while staying within the console and using Duet AI.

