NextGen Database with Postgresql on AlloyDB with Google Cloud (GA)

Google Cloud - Community
4 min readApr 14, 2023


Well I am back with my next blog on Google Cloud Database Management and Migration series.

This time around the most loved open source database with Postgresql offered with AlloyDB.

Alloy as the name suggests it means melting and fusing elements together to produce new elements with new capabilities of course which are useful. AlloyDB on Google cloud is first class citizen for open sourced database engine i.e. Postgresql. Although cloud native it is still portable unlike other cloud native services which are vendor locked and data can be migrated back to any other Postgresql database platform.

AlloyDB was always developed on the ground of Postgresql first approach unlike other database cloud services which are bolted on other database engines to accommodate various engine flavors.

Why the move/migrate/transform and which one Cloud SQL or Alloy DB ????????????

Basically the question stands why the need for a separate Postgresql database service when Google Cloud always had Cloud Sql which supports Postgresql…

