Open Policy Agent Evaluate Infrastructure Score

Ran Zhang
Google Cloud - Community
6 min readFeb 24, 2023


This article demonstrates how to use Score based evaluation approach to enhance the Cloud Infrastructure security during pre-provisioning stage.

Policy as code (PaC) is a way to manage and automate security policies using code. It is a method of defining and managing security rules, criteria, and conditions through code. Policy is defined as a series of programmatic constraints that protect the organization from threats. There are multiple PaC tools available today, this article primarily focuses on using Open policy agent (OPA).

Open Policy is an open source policy engine for cloud-native environments. It provides a unified tool for enforcing policies across an organization’s infrastructure, including containers, microservices, and APIs. OPA uses a declarative policy language, called Rego, to express policies that can be enforced at various points in the application stack, such as at the API gateway, within the service mesh, or at the application level.

In this article, we use OPA to check the score of our infrastructure before deploying it via Infrastructure as Code(IaC) written in terraform. A score is a measure of how well an IaC file meets the requirements of a particular organization or environment. There are a number of factors that can be used to calculate a score, especially for preventing the disruptive changes in the IaC file e.g. unwanted deletion of resources. Once a score has been calculated, it can be used to make decisions about whether to deploy the IaC file into production.

opa exec is a command-line tool that can be used to execute OPA policies against arbitrary data and calculate scores. OPA score is a measure of how well an IaC file meets the requirements of a particular organization or environment. There are a few different ways to calculate scores, but the most common method is to assign a score to each requirement and then add up the scores for all the requirements. Once you have a score for an IaC file, you can use it to make decisions about whether to deploy the file into production. Depending on the weightage assignment, a low score indicates that the file is likely to be reliable, secure, and compliant, while a high score indicates that the file is likely to have problems.

Score integration flow Overview

Diagram — Resource Provisioning Flow

Stage 2 IaC building and validation process included the following detail steps, illustrated in below image:

  1. terraform init, terraform validate, terraform plan are terraform specific operations
  2. Policy Validation will done by gcloud beta terraform vet (Separate guide will cover it)
  3. Score Validation by OPA
  4. Score Validation passed, the terraform script will proceed with terraform apply
Diagram — Stage 2 IaC process

Step by Step Guide


This guide uses the following tools and software and all the commands are executed in Cloud Shell.

Configure Environment Variable

Pleae change the value base on your own preferences.

  • SOURCE_CODE_REPOSITORY for the name of cloud source repository
export SOURCE_CODE_REPOSITORY=opa-score-repository

Step by Step Guide

  1. Create a repository in Cloud Source Repositories in the project of your choice in Google Cloud Platform.
gcloud source repos create $SOURCE_CODE_REPOSITORY

2. Clone the policy library.

git clone

3. Add the library to your existing repository to your source code repository.

cd policy-library
git remote add google $SOURCE_CODE_REPOSITORY
git push - all google

4. A policy library repository contains the following directories:

  • policies/ — This directory contains two subdirectories:
    - constraints/ — This directory is initially empty. Place your constraint files here.
    - templates/ — This directory contains pre-defined constraint templates.
  • samples/ — This directory contains sample constraints.
  • validator/ — This directory contains the .rego files and their associated unit tests. You don’t need to touch this directory unless you intend to modify existing constraint templates or create new ones. Running “make build” inlines the Rego content in the corresponding constraint template files.

5. Create the following Terraform file in the current directory(policy-library). This is not the best folder structure.

terraform {
required_providers {
google = {
source = "hashicorp/google"
version = "~> 3.84"

resource "google_project_iam_binding" "sample_iam_binding" {
project = "PROJECT_ID"
role = "roles/viewer"

members = [

Replace the following:

  • PROJECT_ID: your project ID.
  • EMAIL_ADDRESS: a sample email address. This can be any valid email address. For example,
sed -i 's/PROJECT_ID/opa-score-project/g'
sed -i 's/EMAIL_ADDRESS/'

6. Initialize Terraform and generate a Terraform plan using the following:

terraform init

7. Export the Terraform plan, if asked, click Authorize when prompted:

terraform plan -out=test.tfplan

8. Convert the Terraform plan to JSON:

terraform show -json ./test.tfplan > ./tfplan.json

9. Create a score directory

mkdir score
cd score

10. Create the following gcp_check_score_constraint.rego in the score directory

# Copyright 2023 Google LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

package templates.gcp.GCPCheckScoreConstraintV1

import input as tfplan

# acceptable score-policy for automated authorization
blast_radius := 30

# weights assigned for each operation on each resource-type
#weights := params.weights
weights := {
"google_compute_instance_template": {"delete": 100, "create": 10, "modify": 1},
"google_compute_region_backend_service": {"delete": 100, "create": 10, "modify": 1},
"google_compute_health_check": {"delete": 100, "create": 10, "modify": 1},
"google_compute_region_autoscaler": {"delete": 100, "create": 10, "modify": 1},
"google_compute_region_instance_group_manager": {"delete": 100, "create": 10, "modify": 1},
"google_compute_address": {"delete": 100, "create": 10, "modify": 1},
"google_compute_forwarding_rule": {"delete": 100, "create": 10, "modify": 1},
"google_compute_region_url_map": {"delete": 100, "create": 10, "modify": 1},
"google_compute_region_target_http_proxy": {"delete": 100, "create": 10, "modify": 1},
"google_compute_region_target_https_proxy": {"delete": 100, "create": 10, "modify": 1},
"google_service_account": {"delete": 100, "create": 10, "modify": 1},
"google_service_account_iam_binding": {"delete": 100, "create": 10, "modify": 1},
"google_project_iam_binding": {"delete": 100, "create": 10, "modify": 1},
"google_project_iam_member": {"delete": 100, "create": 10, "modify": 1},
"google_compute_project_metadata_item": {"delete": 100, "create": 10, "modify": 1},
"google_compute_instance": {"delete": 100, "create": 10, "modify": 1},

# Consider exactly these resource types in calculations
resource_types := {"google_compute_instance",

# Compute the score-policy for a Terraform plan as the weighted sum of deletions, creations, modifications
score := s {
all := [x |
some resource_type
crud := weights[resource_type]
del := crud.delete * num_deletes[resource_type]
new := crud.create * num_creates[resource_type]
mod := crud.modify * num_modifies[resource_type]
x := (del + new) + mod

s := sum(all)

#Whether there is any change to IAM
touches_iam {
all := resources.gcp_iam
count(all) > 0

# Terraform Library

# list of all resources of a given type
resources[resource_type] := all {
some resource_type
all := [name |
name := tfplan.resource_changes[_]
name.type == resource_type

# number of creations of resources of a given type
num_creates[resource_type] := num {
some resource_type
all := resources[resource_type]
creates := [res | res := all[_]; res.change.actions[_] == "create"]
num := count(creates)

# number of deletions of resources of a given type
num_deletes[resource_type] := num {
some resource_type
all := resources[resource_type]
deletions := [res | res := all[_]; res.change.actions[_] == "delete"]
num := count(deletions)

# number of modifications to resources of a given type
num_modifies[resource_type] := num {
some resource_type
all := resources[resource_type]
modifies := [res | res := all[_]; res.change.actions[_] == "update"]
num := count(modifies)

11. Below is the general instruction to calculate the score.



PACKAGE_NAME/EVALUATION_VARIABLE refers to the variable you would like to evaluate.

PERFORMANCE_SCORE_POLICY_FOLDER_PATH stores the policy used to calculate the performance score.

TERRAFORM_PLAN_JSON_FILE_PATH refers to the terraform plan json file path.

Following script is the sample bash script that could be deployed in the pipeline. Replace the TERRAFORM_PLAN_JSON_FILE_PATH to your own file path.

opa exec --decision templates/gcp/GCPCheckScoreConstraintV1/score --bundle score/ ./tfplan.json 

12. You may get the following sampler response from previous. Filter the result value from the deployment pipeline, you may choose to pass or fail the deployment.

"result": [
"path": "./tfplan.json",
"result": 10

Source Code References

You may find source code references in Github.


  1. Policy Library
  2. Running OPA

