
Daz Wilkin
Google Cloud - Community
1 min readAug 21, 2019

Update: https://pretired.dazwilkin.com

I (p)retired from Google last week.

The plan is to continue to do more of the same mostly using Golang (though I’m learning Rust), mostly using Kubernetes (though Docker Compose is better for local development) and mostly using Google Cloud Platform (though I’ve a soft spot for DigitalOcean and will continue to use that too).

I’m writing a personality for Google Trillian, plan to write at least one more, and have several ideas for this compelling platform.

I plan to stop using Medium. Partly to draw a notional line under my musings as a Googler. More because I just don’t like Medium’s write-but-don’t-read constraint. I started with Medium because there’s a Google Cloud Platform publication but this is no longer a limitation for me (or GCP).

Thanks for reading my stuff and best wishes!

