Google Cloud DevOps Series: Continuous Development Workflow

Google Cloud DevOps Series: Part-3

Pushkar Kothavade
Google Cloud - Community
4 min readNov 3, 2021


Welcome to Part 3 of the Google Cloud DevOps series.. You can find the complete series Here

Continuous Development Workflow: Hands-on Demo

‘gcloud’ is the command-line tool for Google Cloud. It comes pre-installed on Cloud Shell. In the cloud shell environment type the following command to set the project.

Set ‘PROJECT_NAME’ variable

Create the GKE cluster for development purpose

Verify newly created GKE cluster on Google Cloud console

Go to the cloud Shell and connect to the cluster

Open and navigate to the microservices-demo folder which you have already cloned. (Note — Refer to the Blog-2 for steps)

Locate the skaffold.yaml file

Select the ‘Cloud Code’ option

Select the ‘Run on Kubernetes’ option

Select the appropriate GKE cluster

It will start building the Microservices. Check the progress in the output section.

Access the application:

Note the Public IP address of the frontend-external service. Click on the Public IP address and it will open the application in your default browser.

Make the code changes and observe automatic deployment

Go to the file ‘microservices-demo/src/frontend/templates/header.html’ in the source codebase and locate the following text

Change ‘$75’ to ‘$150’

Skaffold detects the change automatically, starts the build and deploy process for the corresponding Microservice. Skaffold does not build and deploy other microservices which are not associated with the code change.

Coming up…

In this blog, we learned continuous development workflow with GKE in Google Cloud. Now Guhan became even more curious to learn how he can implement end to end CI/CD workflow on Google cloud for Samajik’s containerised workloads. Stay tuned to Ram and Guhan’s conversation to know more about this..

Contributors: Shijimol A K, Dhandus, Anchit Nishant, Jeevana Hegde, Tushar Gupta

Update: You can read Part-4 here.

