Ray’s Google Cloud NEXT Picks for Microservices/APIs

Ray Tsang
Google Cloud - Community
3 min readFeb 24, 2017

The biggest Google Cloud Next event is just weeks away with multiple days and 200+ sessions. I had a chance to review the schedule and below are some of the interesting talks related to APIs, microservices, and container orchestration that I felt interesting. Make sure you double check the schedule if you intend to checkout the sessions.

March 8

11AM: Enabling distributed digital business with API-first architecture — I’m looking forward to learning more about what it means to be API-first and how it impacts businesses.

1PM: Power your Java workloads on Google Cloud Platform — I’m a Java developer myself. I’ve heard that this talk will include some awesome demos on the tooling and capabilities around tracing and debugging Java applications, as well as new tooling integrations :D

2PM: Development best practices for mobile and web service APIs — To be delivered by Google Maps engineers. I can’t think of a better way to learn about APIs consumed at this scale on practical topics such as rate limiting and error handling.

4PM: Microservices and Kubernetes: New functionality to assemble and operate applications at a higher level — “New functionality”? I can’t wait to learn more about this service catalog, which I haven’t seen before, and more about intent-based networks. Looks like a session I’ll learn a lot from.

March 9

11AM: Developing for speed: minimizing app latency at scale — Real estate is all about location. Your services? Latency! I plan to take this opportunity to see the tools and methodologies that Chris uses to identify sources of latency.

2PM: Using Apigee Edge to create and publish APIs that developers love — I have personally used Apigee to get a simple proxy out and it took minutes. There are a number of API gateways out there, but I’d like to learn more about what else Apigee can do.

4PM: Globally scalable microservices with Google Container Engine and Cloud Load Balancing — Oh it’s my colleague Sandeep Dinesh! You may remember him from the awesome Google Data Center 360 Tour video. I know what Sandeep is working on, and I can say it’ll be mind blowing :)

5PM: Manage the full API lifecycle with Apigee Edge API platform — What is an API lifecycle? This is the first time I’ve heard about this concept. Does it have to do with versioning and deprecating APIs? I’m all ears.

March 10

11AM: Stretching your DevOps dollar with App Engine — I’ve heard over and over again how App Engine saves developers _tons_ of time, and how a single developer or a small team of developers can produce magnitudes more using App Engine. If you haven’t seen it — this is a good time to check it out.

1PM: Ten common causes of downtime and how to avoid them — To be delivered by Luke, Director of Customer Reliability Engineering. Luke headed the CRE team to help Pokemon GO scale to 50x the worst-case predicted traffic.

2PM: The ins and outs of networking in Google Container Engine and Kubernetes — I’ve had a chance to work with Tim Hockin when preparing for the 2016 Google Cloud Next keynote demo for Kubernetes hybrid cloud. There was no Kubernetes federation at that time. Tim worked his magic and showed me several tricks on iptables. I’m confident I’ll learn a lot here as well.



Ray Tsang
Google Cloud - Community

Loves #Java. Lives in NYC. Creator of @JDeferred. Ex @Google @JBoss, @RedHatSoftware, @Accenture. Opinions stated here are my own.