This week in Google Cloud — “Premium and Standard networking tiers, NYT Games on App Engine, Puppet for GCP, and a firewall for App Engine”

Alexis MP
Google Cloud - Community
3 min readAug 28, 2017

Here are last week’s GCP announcements :

We were also treated to more Titan details and welcomed a new partner/customer :

From the “Cloud Dataflow was put to work last week” department :

From the “There’s so much to learn” department :

From the “we don’t like to brag but these users benchmarks of Google perception APIs look great” department :

From the “Kubernetes and Istio from the experts” department :

From the “GCP GPUs are dope” department :

From the “Apache Bean 2.1 and IO connectors” department :

From our favorite “users talk best about GCP” department :

From the “Google Machine Learning solutions and a new video series” department :

For the Visual Studio users out there :

This week’s GCP Podcast (#00091) is “The Future of Media with Machine Learning with Amit Pande”.

The picture of the week compares the Premium and Standard network tiers :

That’s it for this week!

