Triggering Cloud Functions deployments

Further adventures with Cloud Functions

Daz Wilkin
Google Cloud - Community
4 min readDec 21, 2017


2018–08–23 Update

Thanks to Marcus for pointing out a breaking change to this post and to my colleagues for pointing me to the doc change (link). Now, you must also grant the Cloud (née Container) Build service account the serviceAccountUser role on the appspot service account:

NB See the original post below for context but ${PROJECT_ID} corresponds to your project’s ID and ${NUM} corresponds to the project’s number.

Additionally, a new useful feature of gcloud beta functions deploy is that it will deploy from the current directory. Because the Build Trigger copies the repo into the Cloud Build /workspace directory, you may drop the --source=... flag from the command in cloudbuild.yaml.

Original Post

Could I not use Google Container Builder to trigger Cloud Functions deployments when I check in changes to Google Cloud Source Repositories? I think I can. Let’s try…

Continuing from yesterday’s Downsizer post.

Container Builder

Enable Container Builder:

NB the endpoint is “cloudbuild” but the service is called Container Builder

Then, identify Container Builder’s service account and give it an additional role that permits Cloud Functions deployments:

We’re going to need to add the Container Builder spec (cloudbuild.yaml) to the Cloud Source Repository to create the trigger. We’ll use the commit that adds it to test that it works.

When we make changes to our Cloud Source Repository including adding the cloudbuild.yaml file to it, we want to trigger a Cloud Functions deployment. You’ll recall the deployment is achieved with a gcloud command and we can use the Container Builder “gcloud” step for this purpose. Although YAMLized, this should look very familiar to yesterday’s deployment command.


The spec references Container Builder ‘friendly’ variants of the environment variables that we used to build with Cloud Functions but Container Builder requires user-defined variables to be prefixed with “_” so we have _NAME and _ROOT here and we’ll map these to our bash variables when we define the tigger. Container Builder provides PROJECT_ID for us.

Let’s do that

Container Registry: Trigger Source

Choose “Cloud Source Repository” then leave at “default”:

Container Registry: Trigger Repository

and then complete the details per the examples here, you’ll need to choose “cloudbuild.yaml” for “Build configuration”:

Container Registry: Create Trigger

NB We’re mapping our existing deployment values for the deployment name “downsizer” to Cloud Builder’s _NAME and $ROOT to _ROOT. Don’t forget to replace $ROOT with its value in this step.

Then “Create trigger”:

OK. All that’s left to do is to trigger the deployment and, since we need to add the “cloudbuild.yaml” to our repository, let’s do both at once:

See that the push triggered a new build and, check that we have a deployment:

Cloud Functions: Deployed!

Now…. if only we could run tests against the Cloud Functions once the deployment completes… Watch this space!


One feature that I thought was missing yesterday was the ability to trigger deployments to Cloud Functions on checkins to the Cloud Source Repository. It isn’t missing :-)

