Trip Blueprint

Swarnadeep Saha Poddar
Google Cloud - Community
4 min readAug 5, 2024

Welcome to Trip Blueprint, an AI-powered travel itinerary planner built with React. Trip Blueprint helps you create, customize, and visualize your travel plans seamlessly. By integrating the Gemini API and Google Maps API, it provides real-time data and interactive maps to enhance your travel planning experience. Perfect for travel enthusiasts who want a streamlined and personalized trip planning solution.


  • Interactive Maps: Leverage the power of Google Maps API to visualize routes and locations, making it easier to plan your journey.
  • Customizable Itineraries: Tailor your travel plans to your preferences, ensuring a personalized experience.
  • Real-time Data: Access up-to-date information about destinations with the Gemini API.
  • Responsive Design: Enjoy a seamless experience across all devices with a fully responsive design.
  • User Authentication: Secure login and sign-up functionality (currently under progress).


  1. Setup and Requirements
  • Sign up or Sign in to your Google Cloud account and create a new project. After creating your project, note your project ID for further use.
  • Enable APIs For Google Maps & Google Gemini

2. Cloning Repository

The Project Is Written In React JS

git clone
Project File Structure

Assets:- Contains Various Images/Logos

Components:-Contains all the Sub-Components Used To Display Various Objects

Pages:- Contains The Main Pages That Are To Be Displayed

cd trip-blueprint
npm i

3. Creating Environmental variables

Create Maps API @ Google Cloud Console

Open Your Cloud Console
Create Credentials In G-Cloud
Make Sure To Enable “Maps JavaScript & Direction API”

Create Gemini API Keys @ MakerSuite

Visit Google Ai Studio
Create Apis in Existing Project
Copy The APIs From The API Key

Make sure to add API keys for Gemini & Maps


Note:-Make Sure To Enable Google Maps & Gemini APIs from Google Cloud Console

4.Starting The Project

npm run dev

5.The Project Is Upp


Using Gemini On Vertex Ai [Optional]

  1. Open Google Cloud Console
  2. Search Vertex Ai

3.Go To Plan.jsx , Replace The Code With Gemini in Vertex Ai

 npm install @google-cloud/vertexai
const {VertexAI} = require('@google-cloud/vertexai');

async function generate_from_text_input(projectId = 'PROJECT_ID') {
const vertexAI = new VertexAI({project: projectId, location: ''});

const generativeModel = vertexAI.getGenerativeModel({
model: 'gemini-1.5-flash-001',

const jsonnn = '```json';
const prompt = `Make a ${} Days & ${props.person} Person Tour Plan For ${} In Format "[{
"day": "",
"title": "",
"description": "",
"locations": [
"name": "",
"type": "",
"description": "",
"time": ""
"notes": ""
}] " Format Such That It Directly Compatible In Map Function Of JS And Only Directly The Json Only & And Make Sure Not To Print "${jsonnn}"`;

const resp = await generativeModel.generateContent(prompt);
const contentResponse = await resp.response;
const data = eval(contentResponse);

4.Setup The Apis Keys & Project ID in .env File

Navigating The Project

  1. Open The Main Navigation Page

2.Open The Details Page

Place:- Enter Destination

Check-In:-Enter Starting Date

Check-Out :-Enter Ending Date

Person:-Enter Number Of Person

3.Final Page

Day-Wise Tour Iternary

Github Link @
Project Live Link @
Developer Email :-

