TWiGCP — “Cloud Tasks, private CloudSQL, K8S and TF releases, and new support models”

Alexis MP
Google Cloud - Community
2 min readOct 1, 2018

[Beta] Announcing Cloud Tasks, a task queue service for App Engine flex and second generation runtimes (Google blog) More App Engine services being promoted to top-level products. This one, just like Cloud Scheduler, enables effective cloud-native patterns. #taskqueues

[Beta] We’re announcing a new connection option, private networking beta, making connecting to Cloud SQL from applications in Google Cloud easier and even more secure (Google blog). Why go through the public Internet when you can stay private? We’re glad you asked!

Digging into Kubernetes 1.12 (Google blog)

TensorFlow Release 1.11.0 (

Launching new GCP Support models: Role-Based and Enterprise (Google blog). This includes flexible role assignments built around IAM.

From the “Too much automation and too little testing had me screw up a few links last week” department :

From the “how-to” department :

From the “getting your feet wet with TensorFlow.js” department :

From the “Spring Cloud GCP” department :

From the “Beta, GA, or what?” department :

From the “all things multimedia” department :

This week’s picture is taken from the “Adding custom intelligence to Gmail with serverless on GCP” post. #GSuiteGCP

That is all for this week!

