TWiGCP — “tail -f, Spanner for devs, Monitoring QL, and new regions”

Alexis MP
Google Cloud - Community
3 min readJan 11, 2021

Happy new year and here’s to wishing 2021 treats you all well. This is episode 2⁸ of TWiGCP. Thank you all for your continued readership and support!

Top GCP stories for these past few weeks include :

From the “Security best practices” department :

From the “Network product feature walkthroughs” department :

From the “Parallelizing C++ applications on Google Cloud” department :

From the “The future is closer than you think” department :

From the “Digging into Cloud Spanner and Cloud SQL” department :

From the “12 days (and counting) with Cloud Workflows” department :

From the “Compliance, assets, …” department :

From the “Custom-built PyTorch environment for TPUs” department :

From the “Put your detective skills to work with BigQuery” department :

From the “Visualizing Hadoop” department :

From the “This could come in handy” department :

From the “Possibly your most important roadmap” department :

From the “Glue Code As a Service” department :

From the “customers and partners solving real-world problems with GCP” department :

From the “all things multimedia” department :

From the “Preview, GA, or what?” department :

This week’s picture is the updated map of existing Google Cloud regions (with 4 more to come in 2021)

That is all for this week!

