Unleashing Creativity with Google Cloud’s Vertex AI Gemini API: A Comprehensive Guide

Utkarsh Sharma
Google Cloud - Community
3 min readDec 15, 2023

The dawn of accessible, cutting-edge technology has arrived with the launch of Gemini on Google Cloud. Developers now have the power to explore a realm of possibilities using the Vertex AI Gemini API. This blog is your gateway to understanding, utilizing, and innovating with generative AI workflows on Google Cloud.

What is Gemini on Google Cloud?

Gemini is a groundbreaking addition to Google Cloud’s Vertex AI suite, offering developers a robust platform to harness the potential of generative AI. With Gemini, the fusion of multimodal capabilities opens doors to new dimensions of creativity.

Explore our newly launched Python notebooks and sample code for the Vertex AI Gemini API on GoogleCloud

Getting Started:

1. Exploring Gemini with Python Notebooks and Sample Code:

  • Dive into our Python notebooks and sample code designed to familiarize you with the Vertex AI Gemini API.
  • Learn essential functionalities, from basic setup to advanced features, through our curated examples.
  • Embrace the power of multimodal RAG, function calling, deploying Streamlit apps, and more.

2. Learning Resources for Generative AI on Google Cloud:

  • Access a wealth of educational materials including blogs, YouTube playlists, and documentation dedicated to Generative AI on Google Cloud.
  • Understand the nuances, best practices, and innovative applications of generative models.

3. Setting Up Your Environment:

  • Detailed instructions on configuring Google Cloud, the Vertex AI Python SDK, and creating notebook environments on Google Colab and Vertex AI Workbench.

Within this repository, numerous folders are available, each accompanied by detailed information outlining their contents and specific use cases.

Exploring the Possibilities:

1. Speech Folder (Chirp API):

  • Build customized solutions leveraging Chirp, a version of Google’s Universal Speech Model (USM) on Vertex AI.
  • Unlock speech-related features and functionalities to innovate and create tailor-made applications.

2. Vision Folder (Imagen API):

  • Harness the capabilities of Imagen on Vertex AI, offering features such as image generation, editing, visual captioning, and visual question answering.
  • Create immersive visual experiences and develop innovative image-related applications.

3. Language Folder (Vertex AI PaLM API):

  • Utilize Google’s language foundation models for text, chat, code-related tasks, and prompt design.
  • Deploy applications, tune models, and explore the potential of language-based generative models.

4. Conversation and Search Folders:

  • Leverage Vertex AI Conversation to rapidly build chatbots and Vertex AI Search to create powerful search engines across various domains.

Discovering Gemini’s Capabilities:

1. Starter Notebooks and Use Cases:

  • Explore a range of starter notebooks, use cases, and sample applications to kickstart your journey with Gemini.
  • Understand function calling, sample apps, and other resources to facilitate your creativity.

2. Unleash Your Creativity:

  • Delve into the world of generative AI on Google Cloud with Gemini, where innovation knows no bounds.
  • Experiment, create, and innovate using the powerful tools and resources offered by Vertex AI.

In conclusion, the introduction of Gemini to Google Cloud’s Vertex AI ecosystem marks a significant leap in democratizing generative AI capabilities for developers worldwide. Embrace this groundbreaking technology, explore its vast potential, and unleash your creativity to shape the future of AI-powered innovations.



Utkarsh Sharma
Google Cloud - Community

Senior Solutions Consultant @ Google | Talks about AWS | GCP | Azure | K8s | IaC | Terraform | CI/CD | Docker| Helm | Migration