Use Google Duet AI to Auto-Generate Code and Write Tests in VS Code

Lu Zhenna
Google Cloud - Community
4 min readJan 24, 2024


This article demonstrates how to auto-generate or auto-complete code (completely irrelevant to Google Cloud) using Google’s Duet AI in VS Code by installing the Google Cloud Code extension. It might be potentially helpful to write unit tests for users.

Duet AI is an AI-powered collaborator, by Google, helping dev teams build, deploy, and operate applications faster and more efficiently.

Target Audience

  • VS Code users who are trying out different AI coding assistant tools to improve productivity and code quality.
  • Existing Google Cloud users who want to explore duet AI when it’s still free.
  • New Google Cloud users who want to take advantage of the $300 free credit and try out Duet AI.


  1. How to install and set up
  2. How to auto-generate or auto-complete code
  3. How to generate unit tests
  1. How to install and set up

Look for Google Cloud Code in the Visual Studio Code (VS Code) extensions marketplace and install it.

Install the Google Cloud Code extension in the VS Code editor.

After installation, this is the welcome page for you to get started.

Welcome page of the Cloud Code.

To set up, click on “Open Walkthrough”.

Connect Cloud Code with your Google Cloud account.

Next, authenticate your Google Cloud account. By clicking on the “Connect” button in “Connect with Google Cloud”, you will be directed to the sign-in page in your default browser.

VS Code will direct you to sign in.

After signing in, you will see “Cloud Code for VS Code is now authorized to access your account. You can go back to the VS Code editor now.

Select a Duet AI Google Cloud Project.

Before selecting a Google Cloud Project, make sure you have enabled Duet AI API in the console for this project. Select a project from the drop-down list.

Select a Duet AI Google Cloud Project.

Now, we are good to go.

The quick-start menu for your Google Cloud project.

Click on the selected project at the bottom of the VS Code editor. You will see the quick-start menu pop up below the search box.

2. How to auto-generate or auto-complete code

I created a Python file for this Duet AI experiment. To auto-generate code, we can write our instructions (text prompt) in docstring format. Namely, enclose the instructions with quotation marks.

Gif to demonstrate how to auto-generate code from a docstring.

I entered an instruction “write a function to extract year from today’s date”. Then press “enter” to wait for Duet AI to generate code for us. When you see code hints appear, press “tab” to auto-complete. The code generated in the above gif was auto-completed by pressing only “enter” and “tab”.

The code generation will produce different results. If you are not satisfied with one attempt, try re-wording the text prompt. Even without re-wording, you might get a different code snippet. Just remove and paste the docstring over and over again.

In addition to code auto-completion, Duet AI also suggests type annotation. I am quite impressed. AI can even interpret the extracted year as the int type. Lazy programmers who don’t want to “waste” time writing type annotations should give it a try.

3. How to generate unit tests

Generating test functions is even simpler. For simple functions, just add test_ before the original function to be tested.

My sample function is called get_year():

import datetime

def get_year(date: datetime.datetime):
"""extract year from input date"""
year = date.year
return year

To get Duet AI to write a test function for me, I will start typing def test_get_year() in the editor. Then code suggestions will appear automatically. Again, press “tab” to auto-complete. You can view the gif below.

Cloud Code Duet AI can auto-generate test functions.

The complete code snippets generated by Duet AI are pasted below:

import datetime

def get_year(date: datetime.datetime):
"""extract year from input date"""
year = date.year
return year

def test_get_year():
"""test get_year"""
assert get_year(datetime.datetime(2022, 1, 1)) == 2022
assert get_year(datetime.datetime(2022, 12, 31)) == 2022
assert get_year(datetime.datetime(2023, 1, 1)) == 2023
assert get_year(datetime.datetime(2023, 12, 31)) == 2023

This experiment shows that, at least for simple functions, Duet AI has done a great job auto-generating Python code and unit tests for me. I haven’t tested it on Google Cloud-related code yet. I assume developers who use mainly Google Cloud resources will benefit the most from Duet AI.

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Lu Zhenna
Google Cloud - Community

Data Scientist | Data Engineer | Cognitive Psychology and Neuroscience PhD | 🤝 Connect with me on