Cloud Storage with Gsutils & Python Client Library

Google Cloud - Community
5 min readFeb 29, 2020

BLOB (binary large object) storage is aptly named. Google Cloud Storage is a BLOB storage solution that stores unstructured data. It’s like the closet you can shove a bunch of stuff into and don’t have to organize the information before putting it inside. It’s insanely flexible in size meaning it can hold anything and doesn’t need any special processing to store it.

The key actions most of us need to engage with storage are putting data into it and pulling data out of it. This post shares common commands to do just that using gsutils and the Python client library, google-cloud-storage. But first, a note about organization.


Even though you can add whatever you want into BLOB storage, it does help to give it some structure. The initial layer of structure is called buckets which are like file folders. You can group data like audio files into one bucket and images into another. Or you can put all data for a specific project into one bucket.

When defining the bucket name, a couple points to highlight:

  • Bucket names must contain only lowercase letters, numbers, dashes, underscores and dots
  • They are global and publicly visible
  • They must be unique to Cloud Storage namespace. No one else can use the same name.
  • Do not use any personally identifiable information in the name (e.g. user IDs, emails, project names, project numbers)
  • Do not use IP addresses or something in that format
  • Avoid sequential filenames
  • More information

Inside the bucket you can add additional structure by creating or uploading folders. For example, if you have a photos bucket you can add folders that group the photos by year or by location or person. Its always a balance figuring out how much structure and what is needed but its a good thing to consider when setting up storage to make it easier to access and target the data you need.


In order to communicate in the terminal with Cloud Storage, you need to install the Cloud SDK so you can use the gsutils command. Common commands to access files are below.

List Storage buckets.

gsutil ls 

List Storage bucket contents.

gsutil ls gs://[BUCKET NAME]

Get count of total of number of objects in a bucket.

gsutil ls -lR gs://[BUCKET NAME] | tail -n 1

Make a bucket.

gsutil mb gs://[BUCKET NAME]

Delete a bucket and all contents in the bucket.

gsutil rm -r gs://[BUCKET NAME]

Delete all contents in a bucket but not the bucket.

gsutil rm gs://[BUCKET NAME]/**

Delete all contents in a bucket and the bucket with parallel processing.

gsutil -m rm -r gs://[BUCKET NAME]

Delete all contents in a bucket and but not the bucket with parallel processing. Also, use quiet mode so it doesn’t list all the files its deleting with -q.

gsutil -q -m rm gs://[BUCKET NAME]/**

Upload a local file to Storage.


Upload all contents of a folder.

gsutil cp -r [LOCAL FOLDER PATH] gs://[BUCKET NAME]

Download a file from Storage to the current location on your local drive.

gsutil cp gs://[BUCKET NAME]/[FILE NAME] .

There are other many other commands and options as noted in this gsutil doc for how to use gsutils to work with Storage.

Google-cloud-storage | Python client library

In order to use Python to connect to Storage, you need to provide application credentials and install and use the Cloud Python client library, google-cloud-storage.

Credentials / Setup

Regarding setting up credentials, make sure the following environment variable is setup on your server.


Alternatively, you can change the specific GCE instance Storage permissions to Read Write under Access scopes when editing the instance in the console.

Note, you will need to stop the instance to make this change.

Then you need to install the GCS Python client library package.

pip install google-cloud-storage

In the Python script or interpreter, import the GCS package.

from import storage

Common Commands

After setup, common commands to access files are below.

Connect to Storage client.

storage_client = storage.Client()

List Storage buckets.

for bucket in storage_client.list_buckets():

Note list_buckets() is a function that returns a generator that you can loop over to get all the bucket names.

Obtain specific bucket reference.

bucket = storage_client.get_bucket([BUCKET NAME])

List Storage bucket contents.

for file in storage_client.list_blobs(bucket):

Get count of total of number of objects in a bucket.

count = 0
for file in storage_client.list_blobs(bucket):
count += 1

Make a bucket.

bucket = storage_client.create_bucket([BUCKET NAME])

Note, you will get a 400 error if you didn’t setup permissions as noted above.

Delete a bucket and all contents in the bucket.


Upload a local file to Storage.

blob = bucket.blob([REMOTE PATH/FILE NAME])
blob.upload_from_filename([LOCAL PATH/FILE NAME])

Note, you will get a 403 error if you didn’t setup permissions as noted above.

Upload all contents of a folder.

import os
for filename in os.listdir([FOLDER OR DIR PATH]):
blob = bucket.blob([REMOTE PATH]/filename)

Download a file from Storage to current location on local drive.

blob = bucket.blob([FILE NAME in BUCKET])
blob.download_to_filename([LOCAL PATH/FILE NAME])

Checkout the Python GCS library docs for more information on how to setup and use this library. Also, there is a page on GitHub about the Python client.

Wrap up

The info above is a review of common commands to interface with Cloud Storage using gsutil and the Python client library, google-cloud-storage. Links are provided under each section if you want to dive deeper. BLOB storage is a common tool to use and its valuable to understand how to set it up and interface with it when building your application.

