Using VertexAI Search to quickly create a search widget within our App

Johanes Glenn
Google Cloud - Community
3 min readOct 17, 2023



Last story I was learning a lot about embeddings and try to create a concept to have a search app to serve me information I want through GenAI Chat app. Now this small snippet is a comparison in how I can build the similar application (much better of course) in mere minutes. Please refer to the documentation for more detail informations.


Now the concept is the same as the previous story, however I did not have to design all the resources and also connectivities. Hence I was able to create through VertexAI Search an app then integrate it on my app or just call it as an API.


[One] Definitely enable the API. Vertex AI Search and Conversation, BigQuery, Cloud Storage APIs

[Two] Start building the app by going to the Search and Conversation page.

Time to create an app
We have some options, yet for this story choose Search
Set some parameters such as AppName and Location
Create data source which in this case I will use Cloud Storage
Select the location of GCS bucket and for this story I will use the Unstructured Documents
When all is well we can create the data stores and connect to our App
Select the Data store and wait till it finished processing our data
Ready to go !

[Three] Lets test before we integrate it to our app by going to Preview tab

We got the response and also the citation

[Four] Lets integrate to our app by moving to the Integration tab and select the appropriate parameters. As this is only intended for a test so I can choose public access and later allow my domains for the widget.

What we need to do is actually copy the script and put it within our page. For this simple test I will use a simple flask server and then render the index.html with the code in it.

from flask import Flask, render_template
app = Flask(__name__)

@app.route('/', methods = ['POST', 'GET'])
def embed():
return render_template('index.html')

if __name__ == '__main__':, host="", port=int(os.environ.get("PORT", 8080)))
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<!-- Widget JavaScript bundle -->
<script src=""></script>

<!-- Search widget element is not visible by default -->

<!-- Element that opens the widget on click. It does not have to be an input -->
<input placeholder="Search here" id="searchWidgetTrigger" />

And just lets try to test it out by running the flask server

It’s running !

Now the flask server may only have a small search icon and run the widget on top of our app, however to think how fast I can create this app is amazing. It is very useful when I want to create a prototype or even just use it directly rather than create from scratch. What do you think? Have you tried the VertexAI Search ?



Johanes Glenn
Google Cloud - Community

Cloud Customer Engineer — Infrastructure Modernization @GoogleCloud. Stories are my own opinion.