Your Cloud Your Way !!!!!! GDCH for regulated Industries !!!!

pritam sahoo
Google Cloud - Community
3 min readFeb 11, 2024

Everytime i speak to our customers & partners in public sector and highly regulated industries i.e. Financial, healthcare segments to name a few objections do come up. Objections mostly around moving to the public cloud and these are genuine concerns. Few of the objections if not all include data sovereignty/regulations, privacy etc. To help our customers and partners in this space Google Cloud’s answer is Google Distributed Cloud Hosted a.k.a called GDCH.

You might have heard other terminologies and may sound quite synonymous if not confusing.

Lets understand that there are 3 terms commonly used in Google Distributed Cloud ecosystem -

  1. GDC Hosted a.k.a GDCH ~ You manage infrastructure and available GCP services in your premises i.e. D.C/Colo etc. Fully disconnected cloud designed to run sensitive workloads, supporting customers with strict data residency, security, and privacy requirements. It operates in completely disconnected mode i.e. fully air gapped(no connection to internet). Basically its integrated hardware and software solution from Google Cloud.
  2. GDC Edge a.k.a GDCE ~ brings Google Cloud infrastructure and services closer to where data is being generated and consumed. Empowering communication service providers to run 5G Core and radio access network (RAN) functions at the edge.

3. GDC Virtual a.ka. GDCV ~ software only and self managed deployed to bare metals servers and Virtual machines in your on premise environment. It extends your data center environment with the same consistency and operational excellence. It’s powered by Google cloud’s flagship product Anthos.

Lets bring focus back to GDCH i.e. Your Cloud Your way.

Its fully disconnected cloud designed to run sensitive workloads on your premise. The basic characteristics include

  1. Fully air-gapped solution with complete isolation to the public cloud. Never does it require you to connect to the internet.
  2. Designed for strict regulated industries.
  3. Fully built on Google’s strong commitment to Open Cloud. Built on open source kubernetes API.
  4. It’s just not Infrastructure services but also brings Google Cloud’s strong footprint of AI/ML services, Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) and databases i.e. Alloy DB as managed services.
  5. Flexible Hardware Options — start small as low as 3 racks and grow as in when your requirements expand.
  6. Google Cloud marketplace integration ~ work in progress to expand the solutions from our strong technology/ISV partner ecosystem.
  7. Choose your operator for day 2 operations either local resident Partner or Google cloud team.

List of Services which will keep expanding as we move forward*** — list will continue to grow moving forward so don’t hold me accountable if the GCP services expand on GDCH.

Addressing 3 pillars of Sovereignty

  1. Data Sovereignty — Keep full control of access to your data including encryption.
  2. Software Sovereignty — Run your workload completely free from vendor’s dependencies.
  3. Operational Sovereignty — Complete visibility and control over provider operations.

Working Philosophy of GDCH

  1. Google Cloud is bringing the same experience to our customers and partners in regulated industries.
  2. Anxiety might increase if you want a long list of GCP i.e. public cloud services to be available on GDCH. That being said Google Cloud is strongly committed to bring key managed services from time to time on GDCH.
  3. Google Cloud or Google Cloud’s strong partner ecosystem will take care of services behind the scenes as in customer focus on the workloads and use cases not the mundane infrastructure work.
  4. While Google Cloud provides the managed services its customers’ responsibility to take care of licenses with BYOL model i.e. one of the scenarios where you might need Oracle databases.

Want to munch more on GDCH please feel free to scan through this link —

Will be back soon on follow up blogs on GDCH… Stay Tuned !!!!!

Signing off for now …….

