10 DO’s & DON’Ts for Attending Google IO

Mike Wolfson
Google Developer Experts
6 min readMay 13, 2024
Google IO is back to full form in 2024!

The Google IO Developer Conference is back at Shoreline Amphitheatre in 2024. This year promises a return to the classic form, blending a technical conference with the unique atmosphere of an outdoor festival.

Having attended 11 Google I/O conferences, I’ve learned a few things about making the most of this unique event. I wrote this guide to share my insider tips and tricks to help you navigate the conference like a pro.

Let’s dive into the essential do’s and don’ts that will help you get the most out of this unique event.

1 ✅ DO: remember to be patient

This year, Google IO will be back to full size, which means around 7k attendees. All of those people are excited and want to go to the exact same places you do.

Be patient, and remember you will all get there eventually.

Treat the lines as a great opportunity to network, and enjoy them as part of the experience.

Lines are fun!

DON’T BRING A LAPTOP: Particularly on the first day (when lines are longer, and everyone is eager to get into the keynote). There is additional screening for those with a laptop, and it will delay your entry.

2 ❌ DON’T: expect to be comfortable

The Shoreline Amphitheatre is a large venue, and you will need to do a lot of walking. Dress in layers as the weather can be unpredictable, and wear comfortable shoes. Depending on the time of the day, and the location of the sun — you will be both too cold and too hot throughout the day (often within 30 minutes of each other). Plan accordingly.

The IO Conference is big, plan on walking a lot.

When packing your day pack, plan, as if you are going to an all day outdoor concert.

Bring layers of clothing, a hat, a change of shoes, and perhaps a picnic blanket. You probably don’t need rain gear (I can’t remember being rained on during any of the previous conferences). Bring a charger and consider a portable battery pack, as outlets may be in high demand.

Plan your day as if you were going to an all day out door nerd festival

It’s crucial to stay hydrated and apply sunscreen. There is not a lot of shade, and the sun can be intense (especially for people not used to it).

3 ✅ DO: look for alternatives to long lines

If you see a line that is particularly long, keep walking there is likely a shorter one ahead, that nobody is using.

The conference has lots of ushers. Pay attention to where they are directing people.

This was the only entry line into Moscone, but it moved fast

4 ✅ DO: Come hungry

There is always lot of food. The festival organizers do a great job of providing snacks throughout the event, and during the evening activities there are alcoholic drinks provided.

Keep your eye out for mobile snacks
Variety of snacks available in the “Snack Time” kit
Grab some snacks

If you have dietary restrictions, make sure to register ahead. There is a special tent for these meals, which can be a great way to avoid long food lines.

5 ❌ DON’T: Worry too much about getting into every session

This one might seem counter-intuitive, but don’t focus on attending sessions in person. They are available on video, so you can watch them at home when you return from the conference.

Sometimes there are too many people for popular talks, and unless you line up super early, you may not be able to get into them anyway. If a session is full and you are not allowed in, don’t fret, and use that time for other activities.

The sessions can be very crowded and not very comfortable, they really pack these tents tight

6 ✅ DO: Visit code labs, fireside chats and other interactive sessions

While it’s tempting to pack your schedule with back-to-back sessions, it’s important to take breaks. Allow yourself time to rest, reflect on what you’ve learned, and explore the hands-on demos and interactive experiences available at the conference. These are not only fun but also provide a tangible way to understand the technologies and tools being showcased.

Cool interactive demo of Android auto

7 ❌ DON’T: Hesitate to ask questions

Whether in sessions, during Q&A periods, or even informally while networking, don’t be shy about asking questions. Engaging directly with speakers and other experts will enhance your understanding and provide deeper insights into the topics discussed.

Be sure to attend the fireside chats, which are a fun way to get your questions answered, and to get a pulse for what other members of the community are thinking.

Bring your toughest questions to the fireside chats — particularly “when will <X> be released?”

8 ✅ DO: Save energy for the evening activities

You will be tired from a long day of sessions, code labs, networking, and standing in lines, but save some of your social battery for the evening.

Since Shoreline is an active concert venue, there will be a fun concert which usually consists of a DJ and headliner band.

LCD Soundsystem — one of my favorite IO concerts

During other nights, the festival concludes with parties dubbed “The Block” that feature live music performances, interactive experiences, and a variety of entertainment options. The parties also offer interactive experiences that might include games, tech demos, and other engaging activities designed to entertain and amuse attendees while providing casual networking opportunities.

9 ✅ DO: Make A Plan and Use the App

Download the Google I/O app and check the online schedule before and during the event. These tools can help you stay updated on any schedule changes, manage your personal agenda, and even connect with other attendees. Review the event schedule before you arrive to prioritize the sessions that are most important to you.

Make a plan to see friends, and don’t leave it to chance. Shoreline is a big venue, and it is really spread out. If you don’t take steps to see people, you likely will miss them in the crowds.

Pick a landmark and a time to meet — the IO sign is a great spot.

This is a great landmark to plan meetings with your people!

10 ✅ DO: Connect with New and Old Friends

Google IO is not just about learning; it’s also a fantastic opportunity to network. Engage with other attendees, exchange contact information, and attend social events. You never know when a casual conversation could lead to a future collaboration or job opportunity.

Relish the chances when you can spend time with people from our community. You never know who you will meet.

Catching up with friends in the shade
Don’t miss the opportunity find your tribe!

What did I miss?

I hope these suggestions are helpful, and make the IO experience better for you.

Please share your own suggestions in the comments, and if you see me waiting in line — make sure to say hello!



Mike Wolfson
Google Developer Experts

Product focused developer (recognized as Google Developer Expert in Android). I work remote for Nerdery, scuba dive, hike, and collect PEZ.