Nothing is tied forever. Neither are transient variables.

Diving deeper into the Java transient modifier

Enrique López-Mañas
Google Developer Experts
4 min readNov 25, 2016


Last week I published an article to help you understand how references do work in Java. It had a great acceptance, and I got a lot of constructive feedback. That is why I love the software community.

Today I want to present you another article diving into a topic that it is not widely used: the transient modifier. Personally, when I started using it I recall I was able to quickly grasp the theoretical aspect of it, although applying was a question of a different nature. Let´s gonna check closer

The transient modifier

A transient modifier applied to a field tells Java that this attribute should be excluded when the object is being serialized. When the object is being deserialized, the field will be initialized with its default value (this will typically be a null value for a reference type, or zero/false if the object is a primitive type).

You will agree with me: the theory is quite easy, but we initially fail to see the practical aspect. Where should we apply a transient modifier? When it will be useful? Is hard to come up with a factual example unless you have used it before. Like a dog chasing its tail, we fail to find a use case and therefore we cannot apply practice to the theory.

My intention with this article is to help you break this vicious cycle. Let´s check a few practical examples.

Think of an User object. This User contains among all its properties login, email and password. When the data is being serialized and transmitted through the network, we can think of a few security reasons why we would not like to send the field password altogether with the entire object. In this case, marking the field as transient will solve this security problem. How would this look like in code?

public class User implements Serializable {

private static final long serialVersionUID = 123456789L;

private String login;
private String email;
private transient String password;

public void printInfo() {
System.out.println("Login is: " + login);
System.out.println("Email is: " + email);
System.out.println("Password is: " + password);

Note that this object is implementing the Interface Serializable, which is compulsory when you intend to serialize an object. If this interface is not implemented, you will receive a NotSerializableException. Note as well the declared field serialVersionUID. If you use any of the major Development Environments or Eclipse it will generally be recreated automatically.

If you serialise and then deserialize now an object of type User, the value password will be null afterwards, since it has been marked as transient.

See the annotations @Data, @NoArgsConstructor and @AllArgsConstructor? They are provided by Lombok, a Java library that makes things easier. Although in 2016 Lombok is not as useful as it was before (now languages like Kotlin generate setters and getters automatically, and you can do it with two clicks in any major Development Environment and Eclipse) I still like to use it in certain domains to keep a clean collection of Domain Models.

There is another use case I can think of when using transient modifiers: when an object is being derived of another. In that case, we can make our code more efficient by making the derived field transient.

Let´s take a look at this piece of code:

public class GalleryImage implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 123456789L;

private Image image;
private transient Image thumbnailImage;

private void generateThumbnail() {
// This method will derive the thumbnail from the main image

private void readObject(ObjectInputStream inputStream)
throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {

In this case, the class contains a main image and a thumbnailImage field. The latest field will derive from the former. If we can make the thumbnailImage transient our code we will be more efficient: a field that derives from another one will not be conveyed when the object has been serialized.

A minor point at the end of the article: as you can imagine, a transient variable cannot be static (or it does not make a lot of sense if it is). static fields are implicitly transient and will not be serialized.

Summary: use transient when an object contains sensitive-data that you do not want to transmit, or when it contains data that you can derive from other elements. static fields are implicitly transient.

I write my thoughts about Software Engineering and life in general in my Twitter account. If you have liked this article or it did help you, feel free to share and/or leave a comment. This is the currency that fuels amateur writers.

