Launchpad App-Clinic

Google Developers Experts Eyal Lezmy, Etienne Caron and Royi Benyosse discuss the principles of app on-boarding flow in their first episode of the Launchpad App-Clinic.

E John Feig
Google Developer Experts
1 min readDec 17, 2015


On-boarding is possibly the most important flow in your app as it is the main drop-off point for potential users. But in many cases it looks as if it does not get the emphasis it deserves.

In the first episode of Launchpad App-Clinic, Eyal Lezmy, Etienne Caron and Royi Benyossef — Android Experts in the Experts Program from Google Developers, will try to explain the importance of doing it right, challenge conventional thinking, and propose a set of pro-tips that will get you on the right track.

