Advancing Earth Engine’s sustainability mission

Google Earth
Google Earth and Earth Engine
2 min readOct 12, 2021

By Tyler Erickson, Developer Advocate, Earth Engine and Google Earth Outreach

Over the past decade, we’ve been inspired by what you — our user community — have done with Earth Engine. As you know, Earth Engine was created to address environmental and social issues affecting our planet and its inhabitants, by enabling impact-focused individuals and organizations to collaborate on solving the world’s biggest challenges. Together we have evolved Earth Engine into a uniquely-powerful cloud geospatial platform and vibrant community, advancing the science and practice of global-scale high-resolution mapping, measuring and monitoring of our changing planet. This has led to thousands of noteworthy scientific publications, operational applications and countless positive real-world impacts.

Today we announced a new offering that represents the next step in Earth Engine’s mission to advance environmental sustainability worldwide, by expanding access to include public sector organizations and businesses.

What does this mean for current members of the Earth Engine community? As noted in the announcement, Earth Engine will continue to be available at no cost for non-profit, academic, research, and educational use, just as it has always been. And we will continue to invest in the impact-oriented features and datasets requested by the community, as well as partnerships and workshops such as the much-loved Geo for Good User Summit. (Applications to this year’s virtual summit are still open until October 15th!)

Group photo from the 2019 Geo for Good User Summit

With this announcement, we’re looking forward to supporting and connecting all sectors of society in achieving ambitious science-based environmental sustainability goals.

