New! 7 Guided Tours to Explore in Google Earth

Google Earth
Google Earth and Earth Engine
3 min readNov 8, 2019

by Kristin Appenbrink, Editorial Lead, Google Earth

The Colosseum in Google Earth’s 3D imagery

In October, we focused on history, travel and making it even easier to explore the most recent updates to the amazing imagery in Google Earth. We visited Mayan Ruins with a famed archeologist, toured Japanese castles and traveled to university towns around the globe. But our most exciting new features allow you to explore the freshest satellite imagery and 3D imagery that Google Earth has to offer.

Maya Ruins with Alfred Maudslay

Maya Ruins with Alfred Maudslay: Take a look at historical ruins of the Mayan empire through the eyes of British archeologist Alfred Maudslay. You can compare his black and white photos of the sites with imagery captured in Street View to see what has changed and what has remained the same.

Satellite Imagery in Google Earth

Satellite Imagery in Google Earth: One of the most frequent questions we get is where has the imagery been recently updated. This layer will show you the areas where you can find the newest satellite imagery updated in the past three months. And if you want to see some of the most beautiful satellite imagery, check out Earth View.

3D Imagery in Google Earth

3D Imagery in Google Earth: An update to our previous layer showing all the locations where we have 3D coverage, this layer now shows the actual areas of 3D coverage and not just the cities where we have 3D.

Japanese Castles

Japanese Castles: Visit 11 castles across the island nation of Japan and discover the history of a bygone era.

Following da Vinci

Photo credit: NurPhoto / Contributor / Getty Images

Following da Vinci: From his birthplace in Italy to the Louvre in Paris — home of one of his most famous works — visit nine locations in Europe that were important in Leonardo da Vinci’s life.

College & University Neighborhoods

Photo credit: Joe Daniel Price/Getty Images

College & University Neighborhoods: From the storied grounds of Oxford to the bustling area of Harvard Square and the art-filled neighborhood surrounding Barrio Universitario in Santiago, Chile, we visit 11 college towns around the globe

Discover in Street View

Our global travels continue with visits to Iceland, Greenland, the Philippines, Fujairah, Jordan, Guatemala, Sri Lanka and Slovenia all captured in 360-degree imagery.


Photo credit: Lost Souls Alley

If you’re still into scary things even after Halloween, we’ve got plenty to choose from including our Spooky Spots Quiz, Haunted Places, Around the World in Haunted Houses and Scary Movie Locations.

