See a map of 3D coverage in Google Earth

Google Earth
Google Earth and Earth Engine
2 min readMay 15, 2018

By Cris Castello, GIS Data Engineer, Google Earth

Google Earth is one of the world’s most comprehensive 3D maps out there. In addition to global satellite and terrain coverage, over the past several years we’ve been adding highly detailed 3D imagery of entire cities and towns. This is the imagery that gives you amazing 3D views of buildings and landmarks in places like New York City, Paris, and the Grand Canyon.

Many users love to explore this imagery, and often ask us where we have 3D available. Today we have an answer to that question with a new Voyager layer that shows the areas where Google Earth has 3D imagery.

The points on the map show places where Google Earth provides partial or complete 3D imagery coverage. Zoom in to see more detailed points. Single-clicking an icon will get you a card with the name and info about that place. To fly in and see the imagery up close, you can either double-click the icon on the map, or click the blue “Fly Here” button on the card.

Head here to learn more about some of our latest 3D updates and how we build the map.

