
Alois Bělaška
Google Plus Exporter
6 min readDec 12, 2018

If you’d like to know what’s new in what version of the application this page is the page with all the details.

Download latest Google+ Exporter version from

Version 1.8.4 released on 30.3.2019

Further improved video detection, should allow you to download more of your videos.

  • FIX further improved video detection.

Version 1.8.3 released on 28.3.2019

This may be the last release before the Google+ shut down. We strongly suggest refreshing all feeds and downloading all images and videos. Do not wait for anything, do it now.

Version 1.8.0 released on 15.3.2019

Videos attached to posts are detected and made available for download. Videos are still not part of the WP and Blogger export though, that functionality will be available in one of the future releases.

Posts and comments +1 counts are newly available in JSON export.

We strongly suggest refreshing all feeds and downloading all images and videos before Google+ shuts down. Do not wait for anything, do it now.

Version 1.7.14 released on 14.3.2019

You can now add your friends or colleagues Google+ feeds (profiles, pages, and communities) for public posts and images back up.

  • NEW manually add Google+ profile, page or community not automatically detected by the application.
  • FIXED Google+ pages detection.
  • FIXED Google account detection is much faster.

Version 1.7.13 released on 8.3.2019

  • NEW improved user interface.
  • FIXED Google+ collections detection.

Version 1.7.12 released on 6.3.2019

  • FIXED Google account detection after the latest Google+ web application release.

Version 1.7.9 released on 28.2.2019

Google account detection updated and a few minor UI updates including Refresh All button.

  • NEW Refresh All button to refresh all feeds with at least one already downloaded post.
  • NEW show last time the feed was downloaded/refreshed.
  • FIXED Google account detection.
  • FIXED MacOS app menu extended according to standards.

Version 1.7.8 released on 8.2.2019

Improved Blogger and WordPress export, images from post comments extracted for download.

  • NEW author name tag is used for Blogger exported posts.
  • NEW link preview is used for WordPress 5 exports since WP do not support link preview natively.
  • NEW images are extracted from post comments and available for download.
  • FIXED export bug Invalid character in string.

Version 1.7.7 released on 3.2.2019

Post comments export works again.

  • NEW image URLs are extracted from photo albums attached to downloaded posts.
  • NEW author name tag is used for WP exported posts.
  • NEW exported posts title generator improved.
  • FIXED export comments export. Older versions were not exporting all comments after latest Google+ web site update.
  • FIXED images download process which should not freeze so easily from now on.

Version 1.7.6 released on 28.1.2019

This is a bugfix release.

  • FIXED duplicate column name: authorId error.
  • FIXED Unhandled Promise Rejection. HTTP Error (429) error.

Version 1.7.5 released on 27.1.2019

Google+ Captcha protection workaround (slower posts download).

  • NEW workaround for Google+ Captcha using Tor anonymizer and posts download speed significantly reduced, so captcha protection is not activated that often. Posts download will be slower but should be robust enough to survive the Captcha protection.

Version 1.7.2 released on 18.1.2019

This is a bug fix release which also signs you up to our update email newsletter so you can receive an email notification every time new Google+ Exporter version is released. You can unsubscribe anytime you want of course or subscribe manually

  • NEW Google+ Exporter email newsletter so you will always know there’s a new version released.
  • FIXED Google+ account name detection.

Version 1.7.1 released on 14.1.2019

  • FIXED Blogger export
  • FIXED “Originally shared by” message structure

Version 1.7.0 released on 14.1.2019

This release enables you to pick a destination folder for downloaded images and exports.
Significant improvement for Google+ community managers, download more posts.

  • NEW additional (search based) method for fetching community posts. The search based method reaches more posts, quickly and in combination with the original method is the tool able to download much more community posts, images, and comments.
  • NEW pick a destination folder for downloaded images and exports, in case you need to switch to a folder with more free space.
  • NEW communities export filter enhanced, you can export all posts or only the once you’ve created. Community feed refresh is required before you can use this export filter.
  • FIXED do not use “Originally shared by” line in exported post title if possible.
  • FIXED improved exported post title generator. Titles look so much better now.
  • FIXED duplicate categories in WP exports.
  • FIXED Google+ account name detection.
  • FIXED image extraction improved for older photo album posts.
  • FIXED PayPal license purchase. The buy license button now opens Gumroad purchase web page in an external browser.
  • FIXED UX and application UI is much faster and interactive.

Version 1.6.0 released on 7.1.2019

This release enables you to download images attached to any downloaded post and avatars of comment and post authors, useful in cases you remember just an avatar and not a name.

Here’s how to use this new feature

Refresh (re-download) of all G+ feeds is highly recommended and necessary in case you’d like to download images for posts already downloaded by previous versions of the application.

  • IMPORTANT we recommend to refresh (re-download) all G+ feeds to complete a list of images for download and to make sure no post comments are lost during the feed refresh in case the comment author G+ account is deleted.
  • NEW Image downloader
  • FIXED Blogger post comments longer than 4000 characters are split into more comments to make sure the Blogger service accepts the import file.
  • FIXED all posts may not have been downloaded in some cases, usually when a download of a one or more posts failed.
  • FIXED support for photo album posts. Some downloaded photo album posts were missing images.
  • FIXED YouTube links with attribution_link are converted to a valid YT URL for WP and Blogger exports.
  • FIXED Google+ accounts detection

Version 1.5.0 released on 21.12.2018

The application is now more stable, faster and download and export capabilities were radically improved.

With this release, we’re changing the free version limit from 3000 downloaded posts in total to 800 downloaded posts per every single Google+ feed (profile, page, collection, community) and effectively increasing the free limit.


  • NEW download a profile, page, collection, and community feeds separately.
  • NEW you can export any Google+ community you are a member of.
  • NEW support for Wordpress 4.x and Wordpress 5.x backup format.
  • NEW export file is split into many smaller files to enable import of a significant number of posts to WP and Blogger.
  • NEW updated JSON export structure to support export of all multiple accounts.
  • FIXED previous versions were not downloading comments for posts with 3 and fewer comments.
  • FIXED export of feeds with a name containing characters not supported by a file system.
  • FIXED export of reshares. Reshared posts were missing a message.
  • FIXED database storage can accommodate a massive number of posts without breaking the app.

Version 1.4.2 released on 14.12.2018

  • FIXED and improved network communication with a smart retry. The app should be able to download feeds despite an unreliable network.

Version 1.4.1 released on 14.12.2018

  • FIXED the app crashed when the database was empty
  • FIXED G+ network communication timeout increased to 15 minutes

Version 1.4.0 released on 13.12.2018

  • NEW links attached to Google+ posts are exported for Blogger with widget since Blogger does not support link preview natively. Looks really nice.

Version 1.3.0 released on 13.12.2018

  • FIXED WP media export. WP requires media URL to end with a known file extension (.jpg, .jpeg, .gif, .png)
  • FIXED visualized post counts were not accurate
  • FIXED collection posts were present in WP and Blogger exports twice
  • NEW error notification appears in case something is wrong with download or export

Version 1.2.1 released on 12.12.2018

  • FIXED WP export post title length limited to 120 characters
  • FIXED WP export post message formatting improved
  • FIXED Google+ accounts detection (Japanese)

Version 1.2.0 released on 12.12.2018

  • NEW introduced export to Google Blogger Backup file
  • FIXED message formatting for WP export

