Google Sheets Social Media Editorial Calendar 2021 for Your Personal Brand or Small Business (Free template)

Use this Google Sheets Editorial Calendar 2021 template to plan Social Media posts across all your Social Media channels.

Gracia Kleijnen
Google Sheets Geeks
5 min readDec 2, 2020


Screenshot of the template showing the Jan ’21 tab with random dummy data.
The Social Media Editorial Calendar 2021 with some dummy content.

Table of Contents

· Why this template was created
· Use cases
· How to get your free template
· How to customize your template
· Downsides

Why this template was created

As just one person, it can feel challenging to be present in many places at the same time in the glorious online landscape. Through creating a few core pieces of content, and repurposing these for different Social Media channels, post planning, batch creation, and scheduling, it can be done. I just hadn’t yet figured out how.

Drowning like a kitten that accidentally fell in the family pool and hadn’t yet learned how to swim, I scooped myself out and laid myself onto the grass. To save myself from sheer overwhelm after dipping my toes in one too many Social Media experiments, I crafted a solution to my issue with *yet another Google Sheets template*.

Why Google Sheets?

  • I was already using it.



Gracia Kleijnen
Google Sheets Geeks

Sheets & comics creator. Words on YT, relationships, mental health, productivity & self-development in 35+ pubs. 📕Book author: