Clean Cloud, Green Product: optimize your carbon footprint today

Julien Landuré
Google for Developers Europe
3 min readMar 25, 2024

In our connected world, sustainability has become a critical concern.
As we rely more and more on technology, the “everything is software” approach comes with a hidden cost: the environmental impact of our digital activities.

The Tech ecosystem where “everything is software” has some responsibility : we have to reduce our carbon footprint for our customers.

Let’s go deeper into the concept of digital carbon footprint and cloud carbon footprint.

Digital Carbon Footprint

From a Product Management perspective, the amount of data your product generates and transfers can significantly impact your customers’ digital carbon footprints.

Every year, something between 3ZB to 40 ZB of data is transferred and transported online.

Image generated with “imagen 2” model on Google Cloud

How to optimize your Digital Carbon Footprint?

  • Optimize images and videos for the web 👉 reduce file size
  • Compress everything 👉 enable gzip/brotli
  • Leverage web caching 👉 configure http headers
  • Reduce data usage 👉 minimize http requests
  • Improve latency with CDNs 👉 store your content in geographically distributed servers using Content Delivery Network tools

Cloud Carbon Footprint

Many organizations are now cloud first companies and use cloud solutions to host and operate their products.

Although data centers represent a relatively minor part of carbon emissions in digital activities, they can become a significant weight on the carbon footprint of companies.

How to optimize your Cloud Carbon Footprint?

The Google Cloud Region Picker showing the perfect location between CO2 footprint, latency or price


Whether it’s digital assets, cloud storage or computing power, optimization are essential.

First steps towards a carbon footprint aware products

By taking these first steps, we can collectively reduce the environmental impact to build a more sustainable tech future with eco-friendly products.

Learn more about green software practices with the Green Software Foundation and validate the LFC131 — Green Software for Practitioners exam.

Share your success and your knowledge about Green Software —



Julien Landuré
Google for Developers Europe

CTO Zenika -- GDE Google Cloud, Google Cloud 5x certified, Google Cloud Trainer -- DevFest Nantes Organizer, Lead GDG Cloud Nantes --