My Adventures in Wonderland of DSC

Kapanadze Tamta
Google for Developers Europe
6 min readJul 16, 2020
Developer Student Clubs 2019 Paris Leads Summit

When the field of technology is not so popular in your region, The society does not recognize its importance and young people are not interested, you should use every chance to change this situation.

Why did I decide to lead DSC?

I have just tried to take this chance I was 99% sure that I would be rejected, but as usual I try because if I don’t try there would not be an opportunity to succeed.

Woo-hoo, unbelievable things just happen.

14.08.2019 was the day when I received amazing message and I realize that I had the great chance to changes and as uncle Ben says in Spider-man “With great power, comes great responsibility.”. When I realized that I was one mathematician girl who hadn’t experience in tech field facing the big problems. It’s extremely hard to take the first step when you are a just born in this field, you are afraid and worry about everything

I met amazing leads during the Europe DSC Summit, They already had a huge experience in programming, they knew what and how to do. Then I was even more intimidated by my role as DSC Lead;

It was at this summit when I realized that the phrase uttered by interviewer during the interview that Google is the friendliest company and I have nothing to worry about was really true.

During the summit I met amazing leaders and Googlers, made sure that if I had any questions I would have an amazing team by my side and all of them was ready to share their experiences with me. In short I was convinced that together we could do everything and really DSC is a big family where everyone is ready to help you .

After returning to Georgia, I decided to start small events. Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction can be the biggest step of your life.

The first event was Info Session;

Our next several events were about introduction of programming and our speaker Doreen was student from Germany (she was studying in our university for one year).

An interesting meeting about the Mobile Apps was held by Alexander Dgebuadze, a student from our university.

Helen Keller said “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.”

so collaboration with Women Techmakers’ Ambassador Mariam Lomtadze we hosted Hash Code competition in DSC Akaki Tsereteli State University Hub. it was great experience and most memorable day for me as DSC lead.

Hash Code

Local media wrote many articles about DSC, Hash Code and etc;

Also I was a guest in local TV company and shared my experience and plans about Festival and etc.

The field of technology is not popular and there is not many people will be found who will be able to help you hold important events for free, nor are our regions ready to find sponsors because neither of them have the importance of thoughtful technologies

During the pandemic we switched to online mode and therefore had the opportunity to ask for help from programmers and speakers living elsewhere.

The first online meeting was about Web Programing (Speaker: Maria Tsulukidze);

Very interesting meeting was about Android (Speaker: Android software engineer Tato Kutalia);

Online meetings

We planed IWD week; but due to the COVID 19 our plans have changed. so we hosted only one meeting and talked about women in tech (Speaker: Lily Pulariani);

Also we dedicated one meeting to studying in abroad (Speaker: Mariam Lomtadze).

As I said with us this field is not popular, It is difficult to attract large crowds with small events So I decided to hold a big tech festival.

In December, I proposed the idea of the festival to the university. I made an approximate plan in January. I met with the Deputy Mayor of Kutaisi Nino Tvaltvadze in February and decided to unite all the big institutions of the city around one idea. I was going to organize a big festival which would be the DSC ATSU festival and it would be held once a year.

The main goal of the one-day festival was to popularize the field of technology. After that it would be much easier to get the public interested in relatively small events.

Stop COVID Android app review (Tato Kutalia)

At such big events it is much easier to pay attention and find speakers too.

Unfortunately, Due to Covid 19 it was impossible to make our plans true. Hope this plan will be true one day.

It is very difficult when you are first in something, especially when you see how many things need to be done.

It took me a long time to figure out the situation, now I know what to do and how to do it, unfortunately Graduation is just a few days away and the only thing I can do now is to share experiences with future leaders and bring them together around one idea called technology development.

Maybe I was not be a good leader and I could not implement many plans; As DSC is a great opportunity for development, I set a goal to have DSC in all Georgian universities in the future, so I tried to spread the information as much as possible, I held several information meetings with groups and individually with those students who wanted to lead DSC.

I will definitely help and unite new leaders;

As a former leader of DSC ATSU and organizer of GDG Kutaisi, I feel a great responsibility and obligation. I want the next 1 year to be full of news and productive.

When I was choosing a profession I did not know much about programming and so I turned to mathematics. I have already completed my 3rd academic year, just 1 year ago I decided to change my profession and become a programmer. If I had known about this field before, I would probably be a programmer today and not a student who just wants to learn programming.

I want everyone to know about the magic of technology from the beginning to be able to make the right decision and discover the amazing world of codes.

We have to remember one thing when you want to participate in some kind of project and it is not held in your city, do not wait for someone else and create it for yourself.

I believe in the butterfly effect, especially on the development path!



Kapanadze Tamta
Google for Developers Europe

Google Developer Group Kutaisi Organizer | Google Developer Student Club Mentor | WTM Ambassador