Prototype Stage (Stage 5)

Design Sprint
Google Sprint
Published in
2 min readMay 18, 2016

Now it is time for participants to transform their ideas into prototypes.

Prototype Objectives — You are going to create and build the wireframes, mockups, or prototype that you will actually test with real users.

Prototype Methods

Rapid Prototyping allows you to test out your ideas without investing tons of money, time or resources — and by doing so, you will know earlier on what aspects of your ideas fail and which have potential.

During this stage of the Design Sprint, participants create paper prototypes to learn more about their ideas and get feedback from one another. Once again, we alternate between individual and group work.

Paper prototyping

Your prototype can be a mockup, demo, video or a physical product depending on your idea. A prototype is something that makes your ideas “real enough to feel,” so you can get feedback from users.

Teams tend to spend the most time in this stage.

Pen and paper is still the best and fastest way to get feedback from the team. We use a lot of pen and paper in our company.

UX flow

1 user storyboard in 15 min: understanding the steps.

Okay, now you’re going to expand the one key moment you’ve all decided upon into an UX flow.

Sketch a storyboard of all the key steps the user might take. If your team is new to design, think in terms of comic book strips.

Each team should sketch out the UI/UX flow of their application — They can draw arrows to illustrate the flow between each screen and present to the team.

MarvelApp Tutorial

MarvelApp is our preferred wireframing app at Lefty Talents Group.

Convert Paper Sketches into Mockup

We are going to use MarvelApp to convert your paper sketches into prototype.

