Start Now or Regret It Later

Torshie Torto
3 min readJan 14, 2023


Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

In 2015, I started a blog on WordPress. A few days later, I quit. In 2017, I started writing stories on Wattpad. And yes, I quit that too not long after. It wasn’t because I hated doing those things. On the contrary. I loved blogging and writing stories. But I was too lazy to keep up. So yeah, I couldn’t commit.

Today, I look back and wished I had never given up. Recently, I started building my audience from scratch. Had I committed to it in 2015, who knows where I would be now?

Thankfully, I learned my lesson and took responsibility for my life. Now, I’m doing the things I wished I had done all those years ago. It’s better late than never, right? Indeed. But I think it’s always best to start early.

Regret is one of the worst things to ever experience in your life. There’s a saying that we tend to regret the things we never did more than the things we did. Whoever said that was right. At least, in my experience, that’s true. I don’t even remember many of the things I did and hated yet I remember everything I never did but wished I had. Okay, that sounded a lot better in my mind, I promise.

But seriously, what are you waiting for? Why don’t you start working on your dream now? What do you want in life? Start working on it now. Make small but consistent progress until you finally reach your destination, because let me be frank with you, in some years to come, you’re going to hate yourself for never trying.

You’re going to be full of regret and resentment for not taking your destiny into your own hands. Don’t wait until that happens.

Do you want to be a writer? Write now. Do you want to start a business? Start now. Do you want to learn an instrument? Learn now. Whatever you want to do, start now.

Stop saying that you’ll do it tomorrow. You don’t have everything you need to start? No problem. Use the little you have and as you grow, you’ll get more opportunities.

There’s no such thing as the right time, and waiting will only waste your time. Before you know it, twenty years have passed, and you’d have nothing to show for it.

You do not want to be plagued by regrets for the rest of your life. It’s a ticket to a lifetime of misery, bitterness, and resentment. Start focusing on your goals. Start doing what you have to do. Don’t wait. Keep going. And someday, you’re going to look back and be grateful you started.

What’s the worst that could happen? That your dreams never worked out? Well, at least you know you tried. And for that, you’ll have zero regrets, because you did try.

After years evading of my goals, I am now on a mission to achieve them. Though I’m still young, I sometimes reminisce on my past and regret many of my life choices. I can’t imagine what it will be like for me in the next thirty years, looking back at my life and seeing that I gave up on my dreams.

The regret will probably speed up my death or something because I truly can’t stand regret.

The bonus price of working on your goals is the success you’ll get in the future. But I believe the true reward is in the journey and the process toward attaining that goal. It’s going to be a life-changing experience.

You’ll evolve into a stronger, smarter, and more mature version of yourself.

It’s one hell of a ride, but you’ll never trade it for anything else. I have never felt happier in my life ever since I started actively working on my goals. I know you’ll feel it too.

So, start now. Or risk living a life of regret.

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