Goose Q Bounty Results: Round 2

Dmitry Doronin
Goose Q
Published in
2 min readOct 1, 2019

The second round of Goose Q bounty is finished and the results are the following: 277 works were submitted, but only 106 got accepted, which is about 38%. Last time the ratio were much higher!

The main reason for rejection as in the previous round were copy-paste and synonym generation works. We keep an eye on quality so that GQ tokens released as a reward would go to people who really help the project to uprise.

Also this time we had so little videos, only 9! We encourage Goose Q community to be more active with videos by having lower quality and impact threshold. Videos have much higher indexation in search engines, so we appreciate a lot every submitted video work.

The best video in the 2nd round, ~1500 views and ~100 likes, very good job!

In terms of articles, we encourage blog translation and smart product placement works. So far we have translated almost every blog article in Russian, thanks to @maksimukr1989, @anderma, and @romkavino for very enthusiastic support. Also it is necessary to give special gratitude to @Galahad_Sandoncan for high impact articles in his Steemit blog and introduction of the project to the Brazilian community. We hope the project will get more international support prior token listing on a big international exchange.

The 3rd round is already going on and we welcome everyone to follow updates of Goose Q in its crypto journey that is gaining momentum.

Jiama road messenger screen of one of the chat groups of China Dragon truck drivers community, July 2019

Goose Q is the biggest in China road data computation engine with more than 10 years of development history. Goose Q’s main purpose is to provide a visual, verifiable, credible, traceable, anti-fraud, immutable data of the logistics industry in order to enhance its efficiency and transparency as well as to improve truck drivers’ financial and psychological wellbeing.


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