Goose Q bounty results: round 3. Announcement for round 4

Dmitry Doronin
Goose Q
Published in
2 min readOct 31, 2019

The 3rd round of Goose Q bounty is over! In October 303 works were submitted which is higher than the last month. But only 106 were accepted which is exactly the same as the last month! That means the acceptance ratio is getting lower.

Well, one of the reasons is because our quality threshold is getting higher. Another is there are still a lot of copy-paste and and machine translation.

What is nice, in October we have got much more videos, 51 to be exact. And only 16 were rejected. It certainly takes more effort to make a video, but results in terms of project presentation and audience engagement are much better. Keep it up!

One important notice. There is no need to make translations of the same articles over and over! So far we have assigned translators for that, namely:

Arabic: @Akmarom

Japanese: @ryuchihiro0901

Portuguese: @Galahad_Sandoncan

Russian: @anderma

Ukrainian: @MoodDuckk

At the same time, we are looking for translators for Vietnamese, Spanish, and Korean. If anyone is interested, please let us know!

For the 4th Goose Q bounty round only works with decent audience engagement (views, likes, shares, comments) will be accepted. That is not applied for blog translations for the assigned supporters.

If you have any suggestion of how you can help to promote Goose Q project in terms of bounty, please let us know. For now, best regards and thanks everyone for joining Goose Q community! United we stand!

Goose Q team members with IME smart mirrors producers discuss system integration, June 2019

Goose Q is the biggest in China road data computation engine with more than 10 years of development history. Goose Q’s main purpose is to provide a visual, verifiable, credible, traceable, anti-fraud, immutable data of the logistics industry in order to enhance its efficiency and transparency as well as to improve truck drivers’ financial and psychological wellbeing.


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