GooseFX — May Update

Harm (CanadaGoose)
Published in
2 min readMay 5, 2022
Fractionalization Feature

Community Update

The team had representatives at a number of hacker houses and crypto conferences over the last few months, including Miami and Bahamas; with upcoming events in India, London, Spain, and Paris over the next few months. We love having representatives at these events because of the fantastic networking and collaborative opportunities they afford us.

We have a few new developer hires since we last shared an update and are now up to a total of 16 team members around the globe.

We also hired a full-time community moderator and business development team member to assist with project outreach and cross-collaboration opportunities including those of selecting new projects for our launchpad.

Development Updates

It's shipping season for the GooseFX team as we prepare to release a number of features to mainnet in Q2, 2022. Those include:

  • Single-Sided Liquidity Pools
  • Spot Crypto DEX v2
  • Concentrated Liquidity Swap AMM (integrating with Jupiter)
  • NFT Launchpad
  • NFT Fractionalization with Serum order books
  • Perpetuals with Serum’s AOB
  • NFT Borrow/Lend
  • NFT Appraisal Engine API and SaaS product

The Single-Sided Liquidity pool code was audited with no major issues discovered; the web-app audit is next up. We are tentatively eyeing to have all of these features on mainnet by the end of Q2.

SSL updates:

  • Pools for SOL and USDC will be launched next week
  • Integration with Jupiter aggregator is underway
  • Supporting Wormhole assets in the future including BTC, ETH, UST, etc.

NFT Store Updates:

Nest NFT Exchange was released to Open-Beta; look out for further enhancements. Key features include:

  • Collection Floor Sweeper
  • Telegram Notifications
  • Single Item Listings

Coming Soon:

  • NFT Fractionalization — We presented this at the Bahamas Hacker House and received great feedback. Expect an official announcement soon!

Here’s a preview we demo’d at the Bahamas hacker house:

Fractionalization Demo

Crypto DEX updates:

  • Crypto DEX v2 will be launched this week with a complete refresh of the design which allows for a streamlined CLOB trading experience

Stay tuned this quarter as we launch all of our main features to mainnet!

Golden Goose Community Updates

As always we welcome all our new community members and hope you will join us on our social channels to stay more involved.

Website | Twitter | Telegram | Discord | Docs

Disclaimer: The statements, proposals, and details contained above are informational only, and subject to change. We are in early stage development and may need to change dates, details, or the project as a whole based on the protocol, team, legal or regulatory needs, or due to developments of Solana/Serum. Nothing above should be construed as financial or legal advice.

