Introducing The Goose Nest NFT Marketplace

GooseFX Team
Published in
4 min readNov 24, 2021

Built on Solana, The Goose Nest features enhanced NFT functionality and a superior user experience.

The GooseFX team is excited to announce that we will be launching our Nest NFT marketplace in the coming weeks. In this article we will shed some light on the enhanced functionality we have in development for the NFT marketplace. This isn’t just another place to list NFTs, the Goose Nest is going to bring a new experience to the Solana (and multi-chain) NFT scene.

First off, we are thrilled to share that will be launching the Goose Nest utilizing the new Metaplex auction house contract. The Solana NFT experience is about to change dramatically and the Nest marketplace is aiming to build towards market efficiency; not just to harvest capital and assets for a “fee”.

By using the new auction house contract, users will no longer miss out on airdrops and other benefits of owning certain NFTs; no NFT listing escrow requirements. Additionally, users will not need to navigate through marketplaces to accept or deny bids; the contract supports self executing auction house listings.

This new contract will increase NFT market efficiency dramatically with its emphasis on market wide listings and reduced user intervention. The implications are huge for collectors and sellers alike and the more marketplaces that adopt the new contract the better off the entire market will be. We cannot wait to see what else comes out of this newly realized NFT marketplace standard.

Nest Marketplace Future Enhancements

Along with the implementation of the new Metaplex auction house contract, we are working on a number of NFT related products which should start becoming available in the new year. The intent with these products is to harness the new AH functionality and build out straight forward, efficient tools to enhance the Solana NFT user experience.

NFT Collateralized Loans — Maintain ownership and unlock capital from your high value blue chip NFTs through peer-to-peer loan contracts. Our platform will match lenders and NFT owners through a loan drafting system to fulfill NFT collateral backed loans in which users can extract liquid capital from their NFT collections.

Cross Chain NFTs — We are all about promoting market efficiency, and what better way then directly supporting the worm-holing of assets to the highly efficient Solana blockchain. Get your NFTs off of the high fee networks and utilize the friction-less Solana network. The Solana network, with its lower fees and faster transactions, also gives way to a much better experience with our next topic.

NFT Fractionalization — Bring additional liquidity to high valued assets by allowing more interested participants the opportunity to own a portion of the asset. In tandem with this feature, we are developing a catalogue of licenses to assist with NFT DAO acceptance of multi-owner NFT arrangements.

Automatic Floor Sweepers — With these programmable systems, aficionados and die-hard collectors will be able to grab entire NFT collections simply by establishing a price they would be willing to purchase for each item in the collection.

Synthetic NFTs — creating synthetic markets to track entire collections and specific NFT sets. We also are intending to use synthetic NFTs to cross the physical to digital divide and bring legacy physical collectibles into a more liquid and transaction efficient arrangement.


At GooseFX we recognize the trend within NFTs and are pushing forward into the metaverse frontier to tap into every possible avenue of NFT product you could imagine. The Goose Nest was designed from the ground up with the user experience in mind. Users will be able to trade, sell, search, and even loan NFTs with minimal fees and high transaction speeds. Stay tuned for the release of Goose Nest in the next few weeks!


GooseFX is a full-suite DeFi platform built on the Solana blockchain and Serum DEX, offering a variety of unique decentralized peer-to-peer financial products. We aim to be a complete DeFi experience where you can trade cryptocurrencies, synthetics, NFTs, and yield farming.

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