American Exceptionalism is real

Lieutenant General Michael Flynn’s speech at the 2016 GOP Convention

GOP Convention
GOP Convention
7 min readJul 19, 2016


Remarks as prepared for delivery

I’m here tonight as a determined American who loves our country. And my message to you is very clear: WAKE UP AMERICA! There is no substitute for American leadership and exceptionalism. America should not fear our enemies…

In fact, we should clearly define our enemies…face them head-on…and then defeat those that seek to threaten our country and our way of life….

Tonight, we stand together as proud patriots…who deeply love our country and believe in the principles of freedom, democracy and liberty.
We know that America, our nation, is the greatest country in the history of the world.

Let there never be a substitute for America and let us sustain the conviction

that our country holds a unique place and role in history — American exceptionalism must never fade.

But now, it is up to us…and you cannot sit this election out.

I stand with you as a citizen, a veteran, a patriot but more important, as an American… to tell you that the destructive pattern of putting the interests of other nations ahead of our own will end when Donald Trump is President.

From this day forward, we must stand, tougher and stronger together, with an unrelenting goal to not draw redlines and then retreat…and to never be satisfied with reckless rhetoric from an Obama clone like Hillary Clinton…

We must draw from the rich foundation of our founding fathers’ fight for democracy, And lead our friends and allies with more determination than ever before,

With conviction in our beliefs that pierces through the ideology of any people or any nation that attacks America’s way of life and our proud heritage of fearlessness and courage.

Tonight, Americans stand as one…with strength and confidence to overcome the last eight years of the Obama-Clinton failures…such as, bumbling indecisiveness… willful ignorance… and total incompetence that has challenged the very heart and soul of everyAmerican, and single-handedly brought continued mayhem, murder and destruction into our neighborhoods and onto the world’s streets.

On this day, we start the beginning of a new American Century — a time when we turn our heads forward with persistent and relentless focus on protecting our communities, our families and our country with feet firmly planted on the ground and by holding individuals accountable for their actions — equally and fairly.
Our new American Century does not risk its future on political correctness and senseless hyperbole.

The time is now to recognize our obligation we have to the world — an obligation to lead the world with unwavering integrity…renewed strength…and unapologetic resolve.

And, with Donald Trump in the White House, WE…WILL…MAKE…AMERICA… GREAT… AGAIN!

America’s once traditional, undisputed role as world leader is now in jeopardy. The Obama-Clinton duo failed our country by defying America’s exceptionalism and betraying our nation’s history and founding fathers’ revolutionary spirit that established America on the principles of freedom and democracy.

American exceptionalism was a core principle when the United States led and won our battles.

Under this doctrine we led the Allies to victory in World War Two against Nazi Germany, WE are the first country to put a man on the moon, We ended the Cold War and, WE stopped communism’s quest for world domination.

As Ronald Reagan said, “If we lose freedom here, there is no place to escape to. This is the last stand on Earth.”

A centerpiece of American foreign policy was once the protection of the United States and its people and interests around the world.

Sadly, under current leadership that is no longer the case — this cannot stand. Period.

We must recognize that America has enemies in our homeland and abroad. And our military needs to be capable of protecting the nation by finding and capturing our enemies.

The President must have the tools to deal with all threats to our country, and MUST have the guts to put them into action whenever necessary.
Donald Trump is that leader.

We must regain our ability to truly crush our enemies.

And our Soldiers deserve to hear from their leaders with clarity and precision. Too often, our troops are instead distracted by trivial matters about what word to use, what terminology is politically correct, and what bathroom door to open. War is not about bathrooms, political correctness, or words that are meaningless.

War is about winning, there is no such thing as a runner-up, and there are no consolation prizes.

A Commander-in-Chief does not draw “red-lines” and then retreat. America does not back down from anyone…or anything.

We are tired of Obama’s empty speeches and misguided rhetoric…this has caused the world to have no respect for America’s word; nor does it fear our might.

Let me be clear — Coddling and displays of empathy toward terrorists is not a strategy for defeating these murderers as Obama and Hillary Clinton would like us to believe.

And releasing terrorists will not end this war; on the contrary, it simply emboldens the terrorists and prolongs war.

Under Barack Obama, we have no coherent strategy to protect our citizens, and under Hillary Clinton, it will be more of the same.

I am infuriated when our President bans criticism of our enemies.

I am certain we cannot win this war unless we are free to call our enemies by name — — radical Islamists and failed tyrants.

Because of Obama’s ill-advised actions, the world has lost faith in American leadership…and the threats are mounting:

  • Radical Islam metastasizing throughout the world;
  • Lack of American military readiness to face multiple fronts;
  • Cyber threats;
  • Demoralized allies;
  • A struggling United States economy unable to compete with a burgeoning Chinese economy;
  • Growing nuclear capabilities of China, Russia and North Korea; and
  • Loss of respect and confidence around the globe.

We have become the best enemies and the worst friends.

The next four years will be consumed by the perils we now face. And the so- called redlines or reset buttons were utter failures. And the Obama-Clinton failed foreign policy list goes on and on.

We need a Commander-in-Chief who understands these challenges and is willing to do whatever it takes to meet them head-on.

Our adversaries must never again mock American willpower and we must NEVER give them a reason to doubt our resolve to win.

The most damaging example of the President’s failure to understand the consequences of putting political expediency ahead of national security is the emergence of ISIS…We cannot continue down this path.

  • More lives are at stake.
  • Our way of life is in jeopardy.
  • Our very existence is threatened.

What keeps me up at night is the sobering realization that evil exists. The radicalization of Islam and its barbaric cause that uses modernity to influence potentially millions around the world to join their cause should keep us all up at night.

We must take seriously the possibility that these enemies have weapons of mass destruction and intend to use them.

We must understand and define our enemies if we intend to defeat them. America and Americans deserve no less!

Because Obama chose to conceal the actions of terrorists like Osama bin Laden and groups like ISIS, and the role of Iran in the rise of radical Islam, Americans are at a loss to fully understand the enormous threat they pose against us.

Now is the time for a leader that is honest and strong. A leader who will stand up

for America, and make absolutely clear that if you cross her path…you will pay the price.

We do not need a weak, spineless President who is more concerned about issuing apologies than in protecting Americans. We do not need a reckless President who believes she is above the law.

I have called on Hillary Clinton to drop out of the race because she put our nation’s security at extremely high risk with her careless use of a private email server.

If I did a tenth of what she did, I would be in jail. Crooked Hillary Clinton — leave this race now!

Before I end, I will repeat my belief that American exceptionalism is real.

Let us not fear what we know to be true, instead we should always remember that our country was built upon, Judeo-Christian values and principles; and instead let us remember the sacrifices of those who have gone before us.

America is unique and is the greatest country in the history of the world. So get ready America, now is the time to elect fresh, bold leadership!
I promise you that Donald Trump knows that the primary role of the President is to keep us safe.

He recognizes the threats we face and is not afraid to call them what they are. Donald Trump’s leadership, decision-making and problem-solving abilities will restore America’s role as the undeniable and unquestioned world leader.

He will lead from the front, not from behind.

He will lead with courage…never vacillating when facing our enemies or our competitors.

And he knows that the advantage in life, in business, and in wartime goes to the competitor that does not flinch and does not broadcast his game plan.
Donald Trump will execute the fundamental tenet of peace through strength…and there will be no apologies for our American exceptionalism or leadership standing around the world.

SO WAKE UP AMERICA, YOU CANNOT SIT THIS ONE OUT, instead, elect Donald Trump as the next President of the United States. Thank you.



GOP Convention
GOP Convention

Paid for by the Committee on Arrangements for the 2016 Republican National Convention. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee. #RNCinCLE