Donald Trump will get it done

Antonio Sabàto Jr.’s speech at the 2016 GOP Convention

GOP Convention
GOP Convention
2 min readJul 19, 2016


Good evening. I’m honored to be here. I know I am not your typical convention speaker.

You might be wondering why I chose to speak. The truth is that I’ve never considered myself very political or spoken out politically before. But my belief in this country and my faith in Jesus Christ have compelled me to speak now.

I’m concerned about our country’s future. I’m concerned about my children’s future. And I believe we need Donald Trump, who shares my beliefs and my faith, to get our country back on track.

In the past eight years, failed policies have caused our country to deteriorate. Our rights have been trampled and our security threatened. We are weaker by almost every measure. We are on the wrong path.

It is clear even to someone who was not born here. I came to the United States from Rome in 1985. I followed all the rules and finally became a naturalized citizen in 1996. Others who want to come to the U.S. to live and work should follow the same rules. We are a nation of laws for a reason.

There should be no shortcuts for those who don’t want to pay or wait. My mother was born in communist Prague, escaped the Czech Republic and met my dad in Italy.

I know what socialism looks like. I don’t want that for my children. But that’s the path we’re headed down with the leader we’ve had and the candidate he endorses.

Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton promote division — don’t be fooled. But Donald Trump is for unity.

Donald Trump believes in one America, with liberty and justice for all. Having secure borders, protecting our citizens — none of this is hateful. This is the responsibility of the government and the right thing to do.

Donald Trump will get it done and put us back on the right track. People know this, and that’s why they have voted as they have. We can no longer afford to be silent.

Our country needs Donald Trump to make us great again. God bless you and God bless the United States of America.



GOP Convention
GOP Convention

Paid for by the Committee on Arrangements for the 2016 Republican National Convention. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee. #RNCinCLE