Donald Trump has your back

Willie Robertson’s speech at the 2016 GOP Convention

GOP Convention
GOP Convention
2 min readJul 19, 2016


Remarks as prepared for delivery

Thank you. I’m honored to be here.

As some of you know, we end every episode of Duck Dynasty with a family prayer at the dinner table. So tonight, I want to start with a prayer: “Father-God, bless our time here tonight. Let everything we say and do be pleasing and acceptable to you, and please bless our country.”

I’ve always said that I have three things in common with Mr. Trump. We’re both successful businessmen. We’ve both had hit TV shows. And we both have intelligent wives who are MUCH better looking than we are.

It’s been a ROUGH year for the media experts. It must be humbling to be so wrong about so much for so long.

But I have a theory about why they missed the Trump Train: they don’t hang out with regular folks like us who hunt, fish, pray and actually work for a living.

Heck, they don’t even know how to talk to people from middle America. You tell them you’re from Louisiana and they usually start talking REALLY SLOW AND REALLY LOUD.

Let me tell you why I’ve been on the Trump Train from the beginning. When you grow up in the South with rednecks, there are some occasional… disagreements. Disagreements sometimes turn into… fisticuffs. But anytime I was ever in a bad spot, I always knew my brothers would have my back.
Today… in a lot of ways… America is in a bad spot. We need a president who will have our back.

I can promise you this: no matter who you are, DONALD TRUMP WILL HAVE YOUR BACK.

If you’re looking for a job… or trying to grow a business… DONALD TRUMP WILL HAVE YOUR BACK.

If you’re a serviceman fighting overseas… or a cop keeping us safe at home… DONALD TRUMP WILL HAVE YOUR BACK.

If you’re an average American who feels like you’ve been forgotten… neglected by far away leaders… that the deck is stacked against you and you just can’t win… DONALD TRUMP WILL HAVE YOUR BACK.

He may not always tell you what you want to hear… you may not always agree… and it may not always be politically correct. (But when your dad is Phil Robertson, you get used to that sort of thing.)

But Donald Trump will always — always — tell you the truth as he sees it.

And that’s why we can trust him to make America great again as our next president.

Thank you, and God bless you.



GOP Convention
GOP Convention

Paid for by the Committee on Arrangements for the 2016 Republican National Convention. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee. #RNCinCLE