It’s time for us once again to choose freedom over tyranny

Jason Beardsley’s speech at the 2016 GOP Convention

GOP Convention
GOP Convention
2 min readJul 19, 2016


Good evening Cleveland. I’m proud to be on stage tonight with other dedicated service people, including Senator Ernst and Representative Zinke.

As an elite soldier, I operated at times as the only American in the midst of enemies. Still, no matter how dangerous the mission — I never lost my conviction that America was the world’s best hope for good.

This same conviction can sustain this nation when we find ourselves imperiled. And this is such a time.

From 9/11, to Russian aggression, to belligerent China, to the evil Islamic State, we face unparalleled threats.

We stand here on the shoulders of giants and legends who gave us this American Republic. We think of those who pioneered this country with courage and honor through a bloody revolution, and those who gave their lives for the cause of freedom around the world.

Today, at this crucial point in our history, can we summon the spirit that forged our nation and bound us together under principles of liberty and justice for all? It’s time for us once again to choose freedom over tyranny.

Over the last eight years, the US has traded her role of active leadership for that of a passive observer. Americans have been told that the US has not always been a force for good. That since we have made mistakes, we should forfeit our leadership or “lead from behind.”

This thinking has endangered not just the US but freedom across the world. The results fall squarely on the shoulders of the current administration, supported by Hillary Clinton.

Her leadership was absent as US Marines were forced to smash their weapons while bureaucrats abandoned our embassy in Yemen. It was absent as enemies overran our consulate and killed four Americans in Benghazi. This so-called leadership thanked our enemies in Iran while our sailors were on their knees.

It’s time we put someone in office who holds the same conviction that we hold, that my fellow warrior heroes and I hold, and that my friends bled and died for.

As service members, we live by these convictions. Imagine a country where our President shares those convictions and upholds the honor of our military, knows our past and defends liberty. With that leadership, we will go over the top and into the teeth of the 21 century.

In Donald Trump’s America, we will have that leadership and the only time service members will get on their knees will be to thank their God that they are Americans.



GOP Convention
GOP Convention

Paid for by the Committee on Arrangements for the 2016 Republican National Convention. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee. #RNCinCLE