The Extraordinary Businessman and Right Leader for Our Time

Ben Carson’s Speech at the 2016 GOP Convention

GOP Convention
GOP Convention
2 min readJul 20, 2016


Remarks as prepared for delivery

I devoted my career to studying and operating on the brain. This remarkable organ defines our humanity.

It gives us the ability not only to feel and observe, but also to reason. When deciding who to elect as our next president, we owe it to ourselves and our country to make use of this power of reason to evaluate the character, experience, and intentions of the candidates and make an informed decision.

We must resist the temptation to take the easy way out and passively accept what is fed to us by the media or the political elite.

One of the most dangerous narratives being advanced by some in our own party is the notion that however dreadful a Hillary Clinton administration may be, the effects will be temporary or harmless….

Consider what she already has done in office. Classified information was recklessly revealed.

Intelligence officers were exposed. An ambassador and three other American patriots were slaughtered. That kind of harm is irreversible. It is absurd to think we can ask our enemies to disregard those emails or leave our operatives alone. And unfortunately, we cannot resurrect the dead.

Now consider what Hillary will do if elected president.

She will appoint justices to the Supreme Court who share her liberal view of an expansive government that is entitled to trample fundamental freedoms.

The decisions of a Court dominated by Obama-Clinton appointees will effectively set her cancerous policies in stone.

She will perpetuate a system that traps our children in failing schools and promotes poverty instead of empowerment.

This type of malignant neglect leaves indelible scars on these children and gaping wounds in our communities.

The question before us is not whether we should elect a Republican or a Democrat as president of the United States.

The question we must answer is whether we want to retain the ideals upon which this country was founded or succumb to Hillary Clinton’s new world order that places government in control of every aspect of our lives.

Donald Trump understands this very well. He understands that the blessings of this nation come with the responsibility to ensure that they are available to all, not just the privileged few.

This is exemplified by his willingness to take on the establishment against all odds.

It is evident in his passion for the American worker.

It is found in his desire to put his considerable skills to work on behalf of American interests, not self-interest.

I am proud to support Donald Trump — the extraordinary businessman and the right leader for our time.



GOP Convention
GOP Convention

Paid for by the Committee on Arrangements for the 2016 Republican National Convention. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee. #RNCinCLE