We are the party of youth and diversity.

My speech at the RNC.

Charlie Kirk
GOP Convention
Published in
3 min readJul 19, 2016


Hello Cleveland, I am thrilled to be here! I’m from the great state of Illinois. The cool thing about Illinois is we have term limits, one term in office then one term in jail, it’s a little different than most.

When I was 18 years old I was gracious enough to start a student activist organization that organizes college and high school students on campuses across the country. Our slogan is big government sucks, and I apologize if that sounds a little caustic but you’re here at the 2016 convention and I know you know that’s true.

I founded Turning Point USA to tell young people in America that there’s a better way than big government and old school corruption. We essentially argue for free markets and free people on college campuses across the country in the most treacherous terrain imaginable. So when we’re on these college campuses, and the media has been spinning this as well, we’re told frequently that the Republican party is a party of old, rich, white men. And I also respond and I say “Did you know that here at this convention and our 2016 field it was the most diverse and youngest presidential field in American history?”

Only four latinos have ever run for president of the United States, two of them were in this election cycle Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz. In fact, we have the first latino American to ever win a Presidential preference primary or caucus. We had the first Indian American to run for President in Gov. Bobby Jindal, and the democrats on the other hand they have Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. Bernie Sanders by the way is three times my age. We have the only sitting US Senator under the age of 40. We have the youngest Speaker of the House since 1868 in Paul Ryan. We have three governors under the age of 50, Governor Scott Walker, Governor Matt Bevin, and Governor Nikki Haley. We have the two only Indian American governors in Nikki Haley and Gov. Bobby Jindal. We have nine US Senators under the age of 50. We have the youngest woman ever elected to congress in Rep. Elise Stefanik.

Who is the party of youth and diversity? We are the party of youth and diversity. Not the democrats!

When you look at the democrats they embody old school corruption and who has been there the longest. We believe in opportunity for all and our party reflects that. We’re the party that believes a meritocracy, individual liberty, and hard work can truly succeed. We work on college campuses across the country. The only way we’re going to take back the youth of this country is to storm them, and that is how we’re going to Make America Great Again.

Join the movement at turningpointusa.net.



Charlie Kirk
GOP Convention

Founder & Exec. Director of @turningpointusa. It's time to organize. #OregonDucks fan. King's College. Proud capitalist. Eagle Scout. Blessed.