Impact finance for everyday life (Q3 2021)

Published in
3 min readOct 6, 2021

Another record-breaking quarter 🥳

We just finished the summer holidays quarter in the Northern hemisphere — where the majority of our users are based — but it doesn’t mean we were less active. We have a lot to celebrate from crossing milestones to overcoming struggles. Here are some of the main highlights:

  • July was our best month ever when it comes to the number of new users;
  • Against all odds, August became our second best month ever (in investment volume) with +575k€ invested through the platform;
  • After a very slow start, September outperformed August to rank second in our highest investment months;
  • September also outperformed July when it comes to the number of new users, with 1013 citizens and companies joining our impact investing community
  • For the first time, we surpassed 1,5M€ in one quarter.

Doing good by doing less 🌎

Almost one year ago, I sent an email about “Building back green” and how the pandemic could also be a turning point in empowering us to create the world we want to live in, by using our money wisely. Do you think we’re there? Is sustainability becoming mainstream?

The “Earth overshoot day” — the day humanity consumes as many resources as our planet can generate in one year — happened on the same day in 2021 that it did in 2019. It seems we rushed our way to going back to where we were… but our recent growth in investment and impact shows there are more and more people using their money for good!

We are one of the faces of C&A’s new campaign. Yes, the fashion retailer 👚

We want you to be the first to know that we’ve accepted to be one of the faces of C&A’s 30th anniversary in Portugal campaign.

Still, we asked them about their motivations in doing so, what exactly they were celebrating and why they’d thought GoParity should join. We also did some research. We discovered a company that is changing at the core and getting worldwide recognition for it: it’s not just about making a “sustainable collection” available, it’s the integration of sustainable, social and ecological principles along all its value chain. You can read more about our decision process here.

We want to hear you 💬

In my last message, I sent you a question about your potential interest in becoming a shareholder of GoParity as we build the future of democratic green finance. The response was more than amazing with 95% either responding “Very much so!” or “Tell me more”.

As you know we appreciate all the feedback and guidance we get from you. We will make it a quarterly tradition to ask for your input with a simple question with multiple choice answers.

This month’s question: a GoParity card? 👇

Our big motto is “Impact finance for everyday life” and we think this could be the next big step towards it. We might launch a pilot with a limited number of users if the response is clearly positive.

Would you appreciate having a GoParity current account with a debit and/or virtual card to use in your daily life?

As always all other feedback you might have for us is more than welcome.

I look forward to coming back to you in 3 months (or maybe less 😅)

Sincerely yours,
Nuno Brito Jorge




Impact finance and investment app empowering people to actively contribute to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.