Looking back at 2021 🔙 and the toughest question I’ll ever ask you (Q4 2021)

Published in
5 min readJan 11, 2022

There’s a lot we are grateful for at GoParity too: 2021 was an amazing year for us, business and, even more, impact-wise. In only one year:

We more than tripled the investment we achieved in 2020 and doubled our user community 🚀

We funded projects in 5 new countries (we now have a presence in 13 countries across 3 continents) 🗺️

More than 28k people were positively impacted by our projects and 2.283 jobs were created 🧑‍🤝‍🧑

And we also delivered on a lot of what we promised by the beginning of 2021 👇

We also improved our gift card experience and created an offer for companies (with carbon compensation and gift cards for employees) that delivers on making it easier and more universal to use the money for good.

This infographic is a good summary 📈

We hope you like and are as proud of it as we are. Thanks for being a part of this 🙏


What will 2022 look like for you and us at GoParity? 🔮

📣 We’ll be more activistic: push for a bigger change, show up and take stances.

📱 We’ll do more and differently: we will launch a new GoParity experience with a new design, new products and an improved version of the existing ones.

🗺️ We’ll be all over the place: we will expand even more beyond the countries where we operate now, on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean, but you can also expect to access GoParity on different third-party apps.

🤝🏼 You’ll get to be a shareholder (if you want to): this year we’ll also fundraise to finance our growth and impact. Apart from institutional investors that share our vision and values we want everyone to be able to join. In a recent email, I asked the question and over 95% of the responses were positive. We heard it and we’ll make happen in the first semester of 2022.


The toughest question I’ll ever ask you

As a start-up delivering an innovative product we’re often approached by large companies and corporations — sometimes even those apparently on a different “wavelength” like banks or big oil — suggesting partnerships where they’d invest in our projects, share the opportunity with their customers or even promote projects to be co-funded by GoParity.

We’ve always said “No” but lately, including after watching “Don’t look up” (which I’ll talk about in a separate article very soon), we’ve been wondering whether we should accept that change won’t happen without the big players and consider taking on some of these partnerships. If we do this according to a concrete set of rules, who knows if we may produce a sort of “trojan horse” effect in them.

Provided any of these potential partners meets all the conditions below 👇

  • Has committed to solid and ambitious decarbonization goals;
  • Has a recent track record of sustainability and climate performance improvement;
  • Has stopped any form of new investment in fossil fuels;
  • Has not recently engaged in any form of communication that can be considered greenwashing (meaning they have not performed communication stunts or used sustainability claims that do not reflect their core activities as a company with the sole purpose of improving the public perception of their company’s environmental or social performance);
  • Will only work with us on projects that are pre-vetted by GoParity and/or a credible external third party and are aligned with our principles of transparency, universality, tangibility and sustainability;
  • Can prove that in their activity all factors regarding the well-being of people, animals and their workers is dully taken into account.

Which of these sectors do you think GoParity should NEVER work with?

Please vote on only one of the options by commenting this article below.

🏛 Banks
🐄 Meat & Poultry
🛢️ Oil & Gas
💡 Energy utilities
It’s OK to work with all if they meet all the conditions above
⛔️ You should work with none of them

As usual, all feedback is appreciated and I’d be very happy to get your personal or professional perspectives by answering directly to this email.

Lastly, we’ve just launched a dissemination Telegram Group for you to get all the information about our projects, products and news first hand.

📲 Join now >

Wishing you a wonderful, healthy, and impactful 2022!

Sincerely yours,

Nuno Brito Jorge, Founder and CEO




Impact finance and investment app empowering people to actively contribute to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.