Reforesting rural Portugal — how to finance the plantation of 270.000 trees in less than 24 hours

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3 min readJan 29, 2020

Last week, GoParity launched and succesfully run the first reforestation crowdlending campaign in Portugal, promoted by Terras de Guidintesta. In less than 24 hours, 50.000€ were raised to fund the plantation of around 270.000 trees, which will fight the devastation provoked by two wildfires that occurred in 2017 and destroyed more than 80% of the forest area of Belver.

Reforesting Belver

Terras de Guidintesta Society in collaboration with Belver’s Forest Producers Association will implement a reforestation project of an area of 600ha that was burnt during the wildfires of 2017 in Belver’s region at Gavião’s Municipality (South of Portugal).

The total investment amount is more than 700.000 € and is co-funded by PDR2020, the Rural Development Programme, an initiative from the Portuguese Government together with the European Union. GoParity in partnership with Terras de Guidintesta has opened 50.000€ for investment giving the opportunity for everyone to participate in the fundraise for this so impactful project.

The aim of this project is to reforest an area with a more resilient and sustainable forest through the plantation of around 270.000 indigenous trees — cork tree, arbutus and pine tree — which are going to absorb around 5940 tons of CO2 per year. It will have an important impact on the environment by promoting the wildlife and biodiversity in this area and also on the social and economic terms such as developing the economic activity capable of promoting local jobs and raise revenue to more than 130 small owners involved in this project, most of them already retired, contributing to their financial independence.

Carlos Machado, the manager of Terras de Guidintesta stated: “this project has the goal of changing the forest paradigm of Belver, building a more resilient landscape, a more sustainable forest based on multifunctional principals promoting a biodiversity, with the capacity to bring about new opportunities in economic terms, creating jobs and granting the necessary revenue”.

Reforesting Belver in numbers

🚀The total amount of the project, which was 50.000€ has been financed in less than 24 hours!
🚀It was funded by 123 investors
🚀The average investment amount was around 360€ per investor
🚀Because of this project, 270.000 trees will be planted and 5940 tonnes CO2 avoided

We want to thank our community of impact investors for this incredible mobilization and funding the Reforesting Belver project in a such fast way! If you want to join the community and fund other impactful projects — stay with us at! Check our open investment opportunities to earn money while making the world a better place.




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