Swimming Techniques

Digant Goel
GoPlayr Blog
Published in
6 min readFeb 12, 2017

Swimming provides numerous health benefits. At once burning calories, losing weight, and exercising the entire body. It is an absolute paradise. Swimming is a distinct ball game than water, which is an entirely different kingdom and territory.

Understanding and abiding by the rules is essential for acquiring knowledge and attaining expertise.

You are given five straightforward techniques to swim and achieve your objective. You will be astounded to discover that within three to four sessions, you will be commanding the waters like a veteran!

Learn here and have fun at pool!

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  1. The Freestyle technique : Riding The Tides

While freestyle swimming may appear to be the most straightforward technique to grasp, it can also be the most challenging. Follow the instructions in order to master and learn.

Freestyle Swimming Technique

· Always begin with front stroke.

· The Front Stroke — Before entering the water, position your figure points. Placing your palm against the pool’s bottom. Your wrist should be above the tips of your fingers and forearms should be above the wrist during this stroke. While moving your forearm downward, accumulate as much water as possible beneath it by applying maximal downward pressure.

· While progressing with one hand at the conclusion of the front stroke, initiate the recovery phase utilizing the other hand.

· The Recover Stroke — Follow the same technique with other hand and pull your body

· The Pull — Try to pull your body ahead of your arm in recovery stage

· The Recover Stroke — Slightly bend your arm and straighten it slightly a sit exits water.

· As the arm exits water, bend your elbow keeping it high towards the ceiling

· Keep your arm relaxed and lead the recovery.

· Extend your arm other arm again and follow again from front stroke.

2. The Butterfly technique : Hey I am Freeeeee!

This method will assist you in demonstrating your swimming prowess. Although it may appear complicated to the audience, mastering it is actually quite simple.

The Butterfly Technique

· Positioning and Straightening — Position your body high in water by straightening it. Direct your eyes 90 degrees to the bottom of pool by keeping your face down.

· Flatten your back and keep your body as flat as possible

· Always maintain this position of keeping your head down unless lifting to breathe during pull down stroke (described later).

· Aim to keep your chin as close to water line to maintain an efficient body position.

· The pull Stroke — Place your arms in water and position elbows high. Press down with your forearms to catch and pull back the water.

· Pointing your figures towards the bottom of the pool, accelerate your arms through the water and holding the water by maintaining a high elbow position.

· Aim to keep your hands inside your body line.

· The push Stroke — Push backwards with your hands and accelerate your hands up and out of the water into the recovery phase.

· The Recovery Phase — Relax your motion and bring your arms over the surface of the water. Keep your arms straight until they re-enter the pull stroke.

· The Dolphin Kick — Stretch your legs to full extension by starting to kick like a dolphin driving from your hips.

· Accelerate when your legs down-kick towards the bottom of the pool and flick your ankles at the end.

· Kick upwards towards the pool surface and bring your heels towards the surface of the water by relaxing your legs and creating a slight bend at the knee.

3. The Breaststroke Technique : Namaskaar

The Breaststroke Technique

· Position your head facing forward and tilt it slightly downwards. Keep your body as straight as possible from your head to hips.

· Keep your back as straight as possible by pull in your stomach. Keep your hips as close to the surface of water as possible.

· Keep your head and shoulders relaxed and free from tension.

· Start by placing your hands inside water-fully submerged.

· Breathe in through your mouth and lift your arms out of water

· Submerge your head fully into the water and exhale slowly through your nose or mouth.

· Extend your arms forward. Kick by flexing your foot and pulling your toes towards your shins Keep your heels as close to your bottom as possible.

· To accelerate and propel your body forward, extend your leg outwards and backwards by pushing the water backwards with the sole of your feet.

· At the end of the kick, as your legs straighten, point your toes towards the bottom of the pool. Aim to get the soles of your feet to face each other when your ankles come together.

· Now keeping your knees as close to each other as possible bend your legs. Bringing your heels towards your bottom.

· Sweeping your arms outwards, Keep your elbows high.

· Accelerate your arms backwards

· The namaskaar stroke — Tuck in your elbow to extend your arm to the front of the stroke and keep them as close to each other as possible (in namaskaar pose).

4. The Backstroke Technique : In my Comfort Zone

Generally backstroke technique is learned and mastered only after one of the above technique is mastered as this technique requires you to be comfortable inside the pool before learning.

The Backstroke Technique

· Turn and try to lie on water with your back on water and face out of water.

· Submerge head till your ears and nose should be outside water.

· Enter with your little figure and gradually place your hand into water by rotating it outwards.

· The Pull Phase — Press water downwards with your forearm and then pull it out to the side of your body. Keep your elbow positioned high.

· Point your figures to the side of pool by maintaining high elbow position.

· At the end of the stroke, with thumb first, push water backwards and accelerate hand out of water.

· The Recovery Phase — Raise your arm in straight line up to the ceiling and bring it down above your head.

· Continue the cycle to propel through.

5. The Underwater Technique : Like a mermaid

Under water technique is beneficial for water sports like scuba diving, snorkeling etc. This a relaxed form of swimming techniques which gives you insight of the aerial life and you admire and enjoy nature. You can book these adventure sports at GoPlayr

The Underwater Technique

· Go deep below the water surface of the pool about the length and a half of your hand.

· Start by kicking the wall of the pool.

· Follow by giant breaststroke into streamline

· Kick like a frog to glide through.

· Just as you feel like you are about to slow down, go ahead and do giant breast stroke again.

· When you feel uncomfortable keeping coming out of water to take a deep breath.

Follow the steps and you will definitely be a great swimmer. This may be your health goal or to sharpen your skill, both ways, you will be benefited.

Stay healthy, stay motivated, and keep swimming.

Book your swimming session at GoPlayr!!

