An Introduction to PPC for Ecommerce

Udit Agarwal
3 min readMar 18, 2021


Google Adwords PPC (Pay Per Click) advertising is the best way to get your product in front of potential customers searching for similar products. This blog will help you understand what PPC is and how it can be used for ecommerce. We will also show you how to get started with ecommerce PPC and some methods to help with marketing your product online.

How PPC Advertising Works

How exactly does PPC work? Whether or not an ad is displayed in the first place is all determined by the keyword the advertiser originally bidded on.

Some keywords are searched more than others. This means that the higher the volume of traffic a keyword receives, the more expensive it is to bid on. Essentially this refers back to the amount of demand for a keyword.

Why Is PPC So Important To Ecommerce Businesses?

PPC is important when operating an ecommerce business. It enables you to compete with other companies that sell similar products to you.

It also enables you to reach audiences that you may not have through organic search results. As well as helping to support an increased amount of traffic in comparison to relying purely on SEO strategies.

PPC is especially important to any new ecommerce businesses too. It can take a while to see organic results which can soon become demotivating. With a well optimised PPC strategy you can see instant results, if done correctly.

What Is PPC In Ecommerce?

PPC is where advertisers pay a fee each time their ad is clicked. As a paid advertisement their ads are shown higher up in Google’s search results since they are willing to pay for people to visit their website. A great way to reach the top of the search results for your chosen keyword.

Typically an ad is easily identified on the SERP (Search Engine Result Page) with it being labeled in comparison to organic results.

PPC Keyword Research

An advertiser needs to know what type of keyword someone is likely to type into a search engine when looking for their products or services. If the advertiser marketer does not bid on or select the specific keyword, then their ad may never appear when someone that person searches for a certain product.

Keyword planning is key in the research and development of creating an online advertising campaign. Certain keywords can directly contribute to the success of your PPC ads.

However choosing the wrong keywords will cause you to attract users with the wrong search intent for your products. This will result in wasted money each time they click on one of your ads and a very high bounce rate for your target landing page. Setting up what is known as ‘negative keywords’ will tell the search engine to not display the ad when that particular keyword is included in the user’s search.

Types Of PPC Advertising

There are many different types of PPC ads that are all great ways to increase traffic to your online shop. Here is a list of the different types of ads you can utilise for your business.

· Search ads

· Display ads

· Social ads

· Gmail sponsored promotions

· Remarketing ads

· Google shopping

· Instream ads

· Local service ads

Wrap Up

However rather than implementing all these methods you should focus on choosing only the ones that would work best for your ecommerce business and product. Also understanding which platform your target audience uses the most is key in getting optimised results.

