Ecommerce Trends 2021 — Prepare your Online Business!

Udit Agarwal
3 min readMar 15, 2021


There is no doubt about it that this year has been a strange year for everything and everyone, and this includes online businesses. The Internet buying and selling sector is one that has benefited from the unfortunate situation of 2020. Sales through ecommerce have skyrocketed. Have you made good use of these opportunities? The current context has accelerated Internet sales, and 2021 promises to be the same, or even better. What will be the ecommerce trends for this year?

Be that as it may, it seems that market changes are here to stay. Whether you have an ecommerce store, read this post about the new trends that are coming, so you can sell more in your online store!

Ecommerce Trends: the future of ecommerce

The trend before this year was positive and stable. Online buying and selling was growing little by little, and more and more dates were marked on the calendar for online shopping.

However, as we mentioned before, this 2020 the growth has accelerated, and not only because of the pandemic…

· There are more people with Internet and WiFi in the world.

· The infrastructures are more developed.

· The shipping and collection systems (contactless this year and essential) are more agile.

There are more tools for the automation of processes.

All of this, together with the pandemic, has made it possible to talk about new trends in ecommerce for 2021, a year that is expected to generate very positive changes and very pronounced growth for all online stores.

Ecommerce trends for 2021:

5G speed

We already know (we have mentioned this in many previous occasions) that the loading speed of our website or ecommerce shop is essential when it comes to selling more. The faster our website loads, the better sales we will have. The arrival of 5G is a great advantage for the ecommerce sector, and will (we assure you) translate into a significant increase in sales.

Big data

Big data is not something new, we have been living with this trend for several years; however, due to technological advances, we are able to store and process more data. The information that can be obtained from this can help us personalize our ecommerce and greatly improve the user experience by adding value to the offer, selling sensations… Big data doesn’t go out of style!

Augmented reality and virtual reality

Relatively new technologies, augmented and virtual reality are beginning to take strength with the new glasses, helmets and even game consoles.

This technology requires effort and is not adapted to all products and services, but if you think you can take advantage of it, try it!


This technology, as well as its various currencies (BitCoin, Ethereum, Ripple, etc.), was already among us, but this year, with the need to reinforce security in electronic transactions, it is gaining strength.

Looking ahead to 2021, you have to be prepared for this trend, which represents a positive aspect for both companies and users/customers, as it increases trust and peace of mind and, as a result, sales.

Virtual Wallets

I’m sure you’ve started to hear a bit about virtual wallets, but to be clear, they are a solution that allows users to accumulate money in a virtual tool to make purchases on the Internet without having to enter their card or account data during the process.

This wallet must be recharged with money, and can only be used on sites adapted to this payment method.


Last but not least, we have the chatbots, which are programmed customer service that answer the doubts of customers in the online world.

This tool is, let’s say, the virtual salesperson of your store, and it is essential that it is optimized to the maximum and that it looks as human as possible. Work on it because this 2021, whoever has the perfect chatbot will make the best sales — this is a key element!

