Marketing Strategies For Seasonal Ecommerce Businesses

Udit Agarwal
2 min readMar 18, 2021


Ecommerce businesses are not immune to the dreaded offseason. Whether you run an online winter gear shop or a website that sells summertime goods and accessories, there likely comes a time each year when business slows down considerably.

Fewer customers’ means fewer orders processed which then mean you have more time on your hands. Use it as an opportunity to shift your focus to marketing your ecommerce business.

In this post, we highlight three ways you can market your e-commerce business during the offseason.

Attract More Potential Customers

The offseason is your chance to grow your potential customer base. If you want to gather the maximum number of prospects, then email marketing is your best bet. Use the extra time in your offseason to optimise your email subscription forms and landing pages.

Encourage Customers To Provide Feedback

According to a survey conducted by BrightLocal, 86% of consumers read reviews. Further, 91% of consumers aged 18 to 34 trust online reviews and treat them the same way as personal recommendations.

The takeaway here is that online reviews are important in e-commerce. Since there is no face-to-face interaction between you and customers, potential customers base their purchasing decisions on reviews.

Continue Publishing Content

The best way to drive traffic to your website in the offseason is to continue creating content. Publish blog posts with a goal to address your audience’s pain points or problems. Your content should focus on helping readers, not overselling specific products or services.

Creating this type of helpful and valuable content is key to making potential customers return to your website even during the offseason. When the next peak season comes, they’ll already be extremely familiar with your brand and offerings, which will make them more inclined to purchase from your website.

Your offseason is also the perfect opportunity to review your old content and update it as necessary. You can add keywords to certain blog posts (provided they fit), update obsolete data and statistics, and add high-quality images to posts that are mostly text-based.

You should also check if all the information on your website is accurate and updated, especially when it comes to your contact information, buying guidelines, and the prices of your products.

Wrap Up

Your e-commerce business doesn’t have to suffer just because it’s the offseason. While it’s true that you may experience a decrease in revenue, the offseason also presents you with a host of advantages.

There’s no need to view the offseason in a negative light. Instead, take advantage of it and try out the strategies mentioned. When you follow the advice outlined in this post, you’ll gather more potential customers, improve customer experience, and keep your business top of mind with consumers year-round.

